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More foreign invested projects licensed in Nghe An

Update: 05-02-2012 | 00:00:00

The central province of Nghe An has recently granted investment licenses to a number of new foreign invested projects.

The projects include the BSE Vietnam electronics and telecommunications equipment factory invested by the Republic of Korea’s BSE Group at US$30 million with an annual output capacity of 250 million products; the Tien Phong Plastic Company factory that will produce 15,000 tonnes of plastic items each year with VND120 billion in investment capital; and a VND76 billion white stone powder grinding mill with a capacity of 45,000 cubic metres per year, invested by the Nghe An Mineral Joint Stock Company.

The province is also working on the final steps towards signing an agreement on February 5 for three investment projects in the Dong Nam economic zone invested with VND840 billion by the Thai Royal Frozen Food Company, Ltd.

Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, Ho Duc Phuoc, said Nghe An will continue improving its business environment in 2012, in order to attract more investors.

The province will focus on the quality of projects, investors’ experience, and its local socio-economic development plan, giving priority to hi-tech projects that will create jobs for many workers, Mr Phuoc noted.

Nghe An has a number of key economic zones including Dong Nam economic zone in Vinh City and Cua Lo town in the southern part of the province, Hoang Mai industrial zone in the north, and Nghia Dan, Thai Hoa, Quy Hop and Tan Ky districts in the west region.


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