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More than 500 students of North Tan Uyen district participate in an extracurricular class on traffic culture

Update: 12-09-2023 | 14:29:52

On September 11, North Tan Uyen District Youth Union and HYPO Council organized an extracurricular class for students about traffic culture in 2023 at Le Loi High School.

The extracurricular class had more than 500 students participating. In class, students learned about traffic safety in the district; received instructions on how to wear a helmet, how to participate in traffic safely, recognize signs...

This program took place at 5 schools, including: Tan Binh High School, Le Loi High School, Thuong Tan High School, Tan My Junior High School and Tan Thanh Junior High School. This is a program in a series of activities organized by the District Youth Union in September 2023.

On this occasion, the District Youth Union awarded 10 helmets to Youth Union officials who are students of the school.

Reported by Nhu Y - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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