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More train services to Nha Trang, Phan Thiet

Update: 21-06-2016 | 18:46:46

 Saigon Railways will add new services to the resort towns of Phan Thiet and Nha Trang, starting July 1, to attract more passengers this summer, Tuoi Tre reported.

The daily service SNT3-4 between Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang will cost between VND166,000 (US$7.40) to VND340,000 (US$15) one way.
Tickets for the Phan Thiet service SPT3-4 range from VND92,000 (US$4) to VND125,000 ($5.60).
Passengers going in groups of 10-20 will get a 10% discount, and groups of 21 and above will get 15% off.


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