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MoU on 2023-2028 cooperation between Binh Duong and Lao Cai newspapers inked

Update: 11-09-2023 | 10:39:36

On the afternoon of September 10, a cermony to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation between Binh  Duong Newspaper and Lao Cai Newspaper for the period of 2023-2028 took place at Binh Duong Newspaper.

Under the MoU, the two sides agreed to open columns in print and electronic publications to support each other in propaganda work about the land, people and socio-economic development achievements as well as major events in the two provinces of Binh Duong and Lao Cai. They will also support each other in building and operating their electronic newspapers in Chinese version.

This was a practical activity for the two agencies to promote cooperation and mutual support to effectively carry out functions and tasks and uphold the role and position of Party newspaper agencies while increasing  information sharing, coordinating in propaganda and promoting the quality of contents of Binh Duong and Lao Cai newspapers’ publications. The cooperation signing between the two newspapers contributed to promoting fine traditions, tightening solidarity and twinned relationships between Binh Duong and Lao Cai provinces.

Prior to that, the delegations of Lao Cai Newspaper and Quang Tri Newspaper also met and shared experience with Binh Duong Newspaper in propaganda work and implementation of publications and foreign language versions...

Reported by Minh Hieu-Translated by Kim Tin

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