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My Phuoc IPs-driving force for province’s northern region to develop

Update: 18-03-2011 | 00:00:00

Upon the province’s policy to promote the industrial development of the northern region, Becamex IDC has invested and built the My Phuoc industrial parks (IPs) in Ben Cat district since 2002. After 9 year-operation, they have not only changed the economic face of Ben Cat district, but also become attractive destinations for FDI businesses.

 Impressive results

 The My Phuoc IPs have so far absorbed 367 FDI projects from 24 countries and territories, including Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Holland…with a total investment capital of more than VND2.9bln. The Bau Bang industrial park with infrastructure just fully-worked out has also lured 38 FDI projects capitalized at more than US$160mln.


Head of provincial IPs Management Board Tran Van Lieu granting an investment certificate to representative of YACHT Co. in the Bau Bang IP

 Noticeably, most of the province’s great FDI projects have poured into the My Phuoc IPs, including the US$41mln-factory of the US Colgate-Palmolive Vietnam Co., the US$300mln-factory of the South Korean Kumhon Asiana Group, the factory of the Thai SCG Siam Cement Corporation with US$140mln for the first phase, the US$60-factory of the Japanese Kirin Acecook Vietnam Co.,…

 Businesses with satisfaction

 According to the assessment of investors, namely Kang Myoung, Director of South Korea’s DJV Co.Ltd, Ngo Kien Hung, General Director of Good Steel Vietnam Co.Ltd…, the My Phuoc IPs have become attractive destinations for investors, due to well-built infrastructure, favorable policies for investment attraction and stability of workforce.

In addition to well-built infrastructure, Becamex IDC has also paid attention to the material and spiritual lives of laborers in the My Phuoc and Bau Bang IPs, aiming to ensure stability of workforce. Particularly, Becamex IDC have so far built social works for laborers herein and organized substantial programs taking care of their material and spiritual laborers.

The above care of Becamex IDC for laborers is also an important driving force encouraging Sukmono Vietnam Co. under Holland’s Padifood Corporation to make investment into the Bau Bang IP, according The Thiam Heng, CEO of the company.

Reported by Trong Minh-Translated by K.T




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