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National Assembly to convene extraordinary session in mid January

Update: 08-01-2024 | 05:42:16

The National Assembly will convene its fifth extraordinary session from January 15 to 18, according to the National Assembly Standing Committee.

Issues to be tabled for discussions will be sent to National Assembly deputies on January 8, said Bui Van Cuong, general secretary of the National Assembly in an announcement.

At the December 2023 session of the National Assembly Standing Committee, Cuong proposed that the fifth extraordinary session consider approving the Land Law (amended) and the Credit Institutions Law (amended) if eligible.

The session is also expected to pass a draft resolution on a number of specific mechanisms and policies to remove difficulties and obstacles and speed up the implementation of national target programmes.

The deputies are also expected to approve a resolution on supplementing the medium-term public investment plan for 2021 – 2025.

The issues will be high on the agenda of the 29th session of the National Assembly due to take place on January 8-9.


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