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New rural area constructed from models

Update: 27-07-2023 | 14:52:50

In the process of building a new countryside, Bac Tan Uyen district focuses on promoting the role of the Fatherland Front in addition to mobilizing a variety of resources as a basis for completing the criteria, which is a bridge to contribute to bringing guidelines and policies to life.

The Fatherland Front of Tan Dinh commune start planting flowers to implement the model of a residential area with a clean, green, and beautiful environment.

Take the people as the subject

In Tan Thanh town, after the people had comments in the meeting with voters on the problem of clogged drains when building roads causing floods to people's houses in Quarter 6, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Tan Thanh town coordinated with the People's Council and the local People's Committee to conduct the actual survey to discover that 80% completed drainage system is not properly set up, causing flooding while some horizontal drains were not covered, posing dangers to people in the traffic.

Based on the site survey, the town's leaders have noted and recommended the Project Management Board to study solutions to overcome and help people circulate smoothly on the route and stabilize their lives. Listening to people's thoughts, aspirations, and opinions shows that over the past time, the Fatherland Front of Tan Thanh town has promoted its role in coordination, detecting arising problems to timely solve them to create conditions for the people to perform the supervisory role in the leadership and direction of the Party Committee and the authorities in all fields of social life.

In Lac An commune, after being recognized as meeting the new rural standards in 2015, the commune implemented to improve the quality of the criteria towards the new rural area. The local 0Fatherland Front Committee has also played a good role in building new countryside with outstanding models such as marriage, progressive civilization and environmental protection, residential area with clean, green, and beautiful environmental landscapes, a peaceful and civilized land etc.

In particular, the model of "Lighting up the countryside" was actively mobilized by the Fatherland Front of Lac An commune to mobilize households in the residential area to contribute, together with the commune's support fund, to install light bulbs, solar energy panels, wiring, and electric poles. On implementing, the authority cooperated with the Fatherland Front and mass organizations to agree on the content of the route selection, then hold a meeting to ask for people's opinions to mobilize contributions and publicize resources of installation costs. For roads with many poor, nearly-poor, and disadvantaged households, the Fatherland Front and its member organizations promoted mobilization of local and foreign philanthropists and organizations to contribute.

The model of "Lightomg up the country road" first implemented in early 2020 in hamlet 3 has so far been deployed in all 5 hamlets of the commune with a total length of about 10.5km for nearly 150 light bulbs lit at the total cost of more than VND 529 million.

To promote the role of the Fatherland Front

On the basis of the overview contents of the National Target Program on building new rural areas, policies and laws related to agriculture, farmers, rural areas, and the Fatherland Front at all levels in the district have also been focused on propagating and disseminating about innovation and efficiency improvement of forms of production organization in rural areas to unite to help each other for economic development, sustainable poverty reduction, social security, gratitude, mutual affection, to promote democracy, maintain discipline, build cultural life, preserve and promote national cultural identity, to preserve, protect the environment, and maintain security and orders.

In addition, in order to effectively implement self-governing models, contributing to improving the quality of living environment for people, the Standing Committee of the district Party Committee has implemented a project on mass mobilization to participate in building a cultural lifestyle - civilized and direct implementation synchronously from district to grassroots with joint hands to implement the project. Every year the Standing Board of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the district organizes for localities to register models and participate in the implementation; in which, the prominent model is "Residential area with clean, green, and beautiful environmental landscape".

Vo Thi Tuyet Nhung, Vice Chairwoman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Bac Tan Uyen district, said that the results obtained from the models and practices have contributed to promoting the role of the Fatherland Front and mass organizations in agricultural construction to step up the emulation across all strata of the people  to arouse patriotism and internal strength in the population community while taking care of the people's material and spiritual life. Grassroots democracy was expanded as the rural face prospered day by day, thereby creating a higher and higher consensus in society.

Reported by Huynh Thuy – Phuong Thanh – Translated by Vi Bao

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