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New-style rural construction goes into depth towards sustainable development

Update: 06-10-2023 | 12:12:22

The national target program on building new-style rural areas for the period of 2021-2025 has passed more than half of the journey. The appearance of new-style rural communes in the province is getting thriving. Along with achieved results, Binh Duong still has many difficulties that need to be resolved when implementing this program.

Whole political system getting involved in new-style rural construction

In the first 3 years of the 2021-2025 period, with the attention and leadership of all-level Party committees and authorities, localities clearly determined how to work and gradually deployed new-style rural construction in line with specific conditions. The province's new-style rural construction program has changed the appearance of rural areas, with a socio-economic technical infrastructure system invested fundamentally and synchronously, meeting the local requirements for development and improving income for people. As of late 2022, the average income of rural people was VND76.2 million per person per year.

Mai Hung Dung, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice-Chairman of provincial People's Committee, leaders of departments and sectors survey a pomelo orchard in association with ecotourism in Tan Uyen city’s Bach Dang commune

To date, all 41 communes in the province have met new-style rural construction standards. There have been 29 out of 41 communes meeting advanced new-style rural standards, or 70.73% of total; 3 out of 6 district-level units completing the task of building new-style rural areas. The province has strived to have 1 or 2 communes that meet model and smart new-style rural ones by the end of 2024. The whole province has 103 OCOP products achieving standards from 3 stars to 4 stars.

Basically, the province has reached high results in the new-style rural construction program. The province is also making regional plans for Phu Giao, Dau Tieng, Bau Bang and North Tan Uyen districts in synchronous connection with provincial planning, regional planning and provincial urbanization process. The People's Committees of districts, towns and cities are organizing general construction planning for communes, replacing the new-style rural construction planning. As of now, 18 out of 41 communes have approved the general planning adjustment project, or 44% of total. The province’s total capital for implementing the program in 2021-2023 is more than VND6.4 trillion. So far, the province has had no outstanding debt in new-style rural construction.

The program to build new-style rural areas has been brought into the key program in order to get the regular leadership and direction from provincial Party Committee and People's Committee. Provincial People's Council has promptly issued a number of resolutions to organize implementation. Provincial People's Committee has also issued timely and synchronous plans and decisions to create favorable conditions for implementation. In addition, the contents of building new-style rural areas have been included in the resolutions of all-level Party Committees, authorities and mass organizations to actively implement them.

Solutions implemented in a synchronous way

Although reaching many achievements, Binh Duong has still faced many obstacles in the implementation of the new-style rural construction program. Pham Van Bong, Director of provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development said that in order to overcome shortcomings and continue promoting achieved results, Binh Duong needs to further promote propaganda work, effectively implement the emulation movement of "The whole province joining hands to build new-style rural areas in the period of 2021-2025", towards model and smart new-style rural areas.

The province needs to urgently complete planning and promote rural socio-economic development under the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 04/CT-TTG dated February 7, 2023. On the other hand, the province needs to review and evaluate advanced model standards of localities that have been recognized as meeting standards under the criteria of previous periods; set up plans, solutions and allocate resources to ensure targets that are equal or exceed the ones in the set of criteria issued for the period of 2021-2025.

In addition, the province needs to promote production development towards restructuring agricultural sector, developing rural economy associated with the local urbanization process; strongly shift from agricultural production to agricultural economy, develop high-tech agriculture, organic agriculture, ecological agriculture, link the chain from production to consumption to create high added values for agricultural production models; promote digital transformation, apply information technology and build smart new-style rural areas; develop a synchronous and modern socio-economic infrastructure system, ensuring rural-urban connection.

To ensure progress and be consistent with each locality’s practical conditions, the province has requested the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to soon advise the Prime Minister on considering, amending and supplementing guidance on implementing social norms and criteria on advanced new-style rural communes and new-style rural ones, new-style rural districts in the period of 2021-2025. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Home Affairs will also review and research to promulgate national regulations on the system of the National Target Program Coordination Office for building new-style rural areas at provincial and district levels to ensure specialized  operations.
Binh Duong has set out a goal that by 2025, 100% of communes will meet advanced rural-style rural standards. Among them, there will 10 communes meeting model new-style rural standards (accounting for 24% of communes meeting advanced new-style rural standards); 100% of districts meeting new-style rural standards. The quality of life of rural residents is improved, with the average income increasing at least 1.8 times compared to 2020. The province will also complete the pilot construction of "Smart Village" in Tan Uyen city’s Bach Dang commune.

Reported by Thoai Phuong-Translated by Kim Tin

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