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Nguyen Van Loi, Central Party Member, Provincial Party Secretary, Head of Provincial NA's delegation: The response plan must be specific about personnel, tasks, and time

Update: 28-08-2021 | 14:08:31

On the morning of August 26, Provincial Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control held a meeting to announce the province's response plan when the infection tally exceeded 150,000 cases. Attending the meeting were Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Head of Provincial National Assembly Delegation, Head of Provincial Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control; Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee; Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee; and members of Provincial Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control.

To devise an action plan for over 150,000 cases

According to report of Department of Health, on August 25, the province recorded 4,129 new cases, 12,115 patients recovered and were discharged from hospitals. In total, the province had 44,833 discharged patients, 81,182 infections in the 4th Covid-19 wave, the number of patients being treated was 15,641. Facing the increasing number of F0 cases, Nguyen Loc Ha, Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, said that the development of a response plan for when the province's number of infections reached more than 150,000 cases was to fulfill the following objectives: to totally restrict concentrated pandemic-hit areas, to completely prevent green zones turning red. It is expected that the tally of over 150,000 infection cases would have about 100,000 actual treatment beds. On that basis, the province will implement eight groups of key solution to curb the infection risk and minimize the mortality rate.

Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control, speaks at the meeting.

Referring to the treatment, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Lan Hieu, Director of Hanoi Medical University Hospital, Medical Director of Becamex International Hospital's Emergency Resuscitation Center, said: "Localities need to support treatment stratification, especially on the first layer. Currently, localities in the north province have supported treatment for southern localities on the second layer. Zones, where the blockade is being implemented, need to be provided with sufficient information and instructions for isolating F0 and F1 at home; adequate supply of basic medicine and essential food. Localities need to make a list of six at-risk groups for rapid tests.

Regarding the isolation capacity, Nguyen Van Hung, Chairman of Becamex IDC, informed that Becamex currently has two treatment facilities, the No. 1 Field Hospital - Binh Duong and the second facility of No. 1 Field Hospital - Binh Duong in Thoi Hoa ward, Ben Cat town and has a total of nearly 13,600 beds. Following the province's strategy of separating F0s from the community, Becamex quickly added as many beds as possible with a total of more than 27,000 beds, divided into four phases. In order to have adequate human resources to serve at the two hospitals, the company encouraged healthy, asymptomatic F0s to serve at the hospitals with remuneration for jobs such as: cleaning, food distribution, clothing distribution, help with severe F0 care.

The plan must be specific about personnel, jobs, time

Concluding the meeting, Nguyen Van Loi stated that, the whole political system of the province has made great efforts to implement synchronous anti-epidemic solutions in the context of many difficulties. Currently, the situation is more complicated. The province needs to devise a response plan for the worst scenario, when the province's infection tally reaches over 150,000 cases. The plan needs to be specific about people, jobs, and time, with the motto to take communes, wards and towns as fortresses against the pandemic and the people as soldiers on the anti-pandemic front.

Loi emphasized, the whole province continued to mobilize the whole political system to participate in anti-pandemic activities. All levels, branches and mass organizations must mobilize all human and material resources to directly go to communes, wards, townships, even each residents. Party secretaries must be the head of the steering committee for Covid-19 prevention and control, and chairpersons of the People's Committees at all levels are the commanders. The province has established a Command, Operational Information Center Hotline 1022, Command Center, and is upgrading, organizing and giving orders to handle works of disease prevention and control. Localities must intensify patrols to guard and supervise communities; frontline security forces must guarantee 24/7 on duty.

The Provincial Party Secretary demanded to step up the implementation of social security measures. People must receive benefits  social security policies. Therefore, by August 30, relevant agencies and branches must disburse social security benefits, and the province will inspect the implementation. Provincial Party Standing Committee assigned Provincial People's Committee to direct Provincial Inspectorate to organize inspection teams, prepare inspection plans, especially inspection on the implementation  social security policies. To propose handling methods of officials from province to communes, wards and townships if they are irresponsible, negligent or subjective in disease prevention and control, let people suffer lack of food.

Nguyen Van Loi also asked the industry and trade branch to immediately consolidate the supply of goods; overcome difficulties and limitations; people with a lot of difficulty receive first, those with less difficulty receive later. Armed forces, militia and community forces must help bring good to people's homes. Social and charitable activities of the front, mass organizations and Red Cross must be more strengthened to aid people more and more quickly. Branches and localities also need to give detailed instructions to make it easy for residents to access the Hotline 1022...

Reported by Kim Ha - Translated by Ngoc Huynh




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