In 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic made a great impact on the production and business of many businesses. Thus, the lives, employment, and incomes of workers also faced many difficulties. As a liaison between businesses and workers, North Tan Uyen District Labor Confederation implemented many solutions to help workers gradually overcome difficulties caused by the pandemic.
Accordingly, the district Labor Confederation gave 1,190 gifts, each worth 500,000 VND, to workers living and working far away from home having difficult circumstances, and disadvantaged workers affected by the pandemic. In addition, Tet gifts were financed and given to workers by 62 grassroots Trade Unions.
The district Trade union system performed well activities to take care of and protect the legitimate rights and interests of trade union members and workers having difficult circumstances affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Reported by Kim Tuyen - Translated by Ngoc Huynh