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Offering help religious women in economic development

Update: 19-11-2013 | 00:00:00

According to statistics, the whole province is now home to more than 18,200 religious women aged 18 and above, 7,700 of whom are members of provincial Women’s Unions at all levels. There are nearly 7,300 ethnic minority people, nearly 2,700 of whom are members of provincial Women’s Unions at all levels. Provincial Women’s Unions at all levels have paid more attention to absorbing religious and ethnic minority members. Conversely, these members have actively taken part in movements launched by provincial Women’s Union at all levels.

At an outstanding women’s union branch

The Women’s Union branch of Phu Hoa ward’s quarter 6 in TDM city is one of the province’s Women’s Union branches with many members being religious people. There is a strong development for movements on social charity, environmental hygiene…at the local Women’s Union branch.

According to Dau Thi Bach Tuyen, Deputy Head of the Women’s Union branch of Phu Hoa ward’s quarter 6, the whole branch now has more than 400 members, including 75 those with religion. These religious members are very actively in taking part in activities and movements launched by the branch. She added: “One of the branch’s advantages in propaganda work to religious members is that they have a good awareness of discipline. In addition, they have been encouraged to participate in activities of the branch from the local churches…”.

Measures to absorb religious and ethnic minority members

Provincial Women’s Unions at all levels have paid attention to absorbing, gathering ethnic minority women and those with religion. The objective is to care and educate them, helping them raise their awareness and responsibility of the local activities while well realizing the Party’s guidelines, policies and the State’s laws. 

Dau Thi Bach Yen (middle) was presiding over a meeting of the Executive Board of the Women’s Union branch of Phu Hoa ward’s quarter 6

Huynh Thi Thuy Phuong, Head of provincial Women’s Union Organization Commission said that provincial Women’s Unions at all levels have actively built up cadres being ethnic minority people and those with religion in order to get high results in the propaganda work. They have actively mobilized all members to actively take part in the campaign of “Studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh’s exemplary morals” in association with the emulation movements of “Building up families with “5 noughts, 3 cleans” and “New rural construction”; disseminated Vietnamese women’s four virtues in the period of intensified national industrialization and modernization: Self-confidence, self-respect, generosity and responsibility; promoted the movement of “Women actively study, creatively work and build up happy families” among members…

Along with propaganda work, provincial Women’s Unions at all levels have attached special importance to taking care of members’ legitimate rights and interests. One of movements concurred most by members is to help them in economic development. Hence, provincial Women’s Unions at all levels have organized many saving models among ethnic minority members and those with religion. In 2013, 250 such members have been supported with nearly VND1.5bln in non-interest rate loan through the models of “charity jar”, loan rotating…

Provincial Women’s Unions at all levels have also disbursed more than VND3bln in loan from Cidse project, provincial fund of “Saving for the Poor”, provincial branch of the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies… for members to develop homebased business. Especially, they have made efforts in helping households headed by ethnic minority women and those with religion rise up out of poverty. Since early this year, 233 such households have been offered help and as a result, there have been 34 households escaping poverty.

In the coming time, provincial Women’s Unions at all levels will further boost their activities of mobilizing and gathering ethnic minority women and those with religion by improving their operational contents and forms, promoting effect models…

Reported by Thu Thao-Translated by K.T

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