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Outstanding collectives and individuals in studying and following Uncle Ho honored

Update: 16-06-2023 | 11:58:48

Provincial Labor Union, on June 15, held a conference to review the activities of the 2023 Workers' Month and the two-year implementation of the Politburo’s Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW dated May 18, 2021 on further implementing the Directive No. 05-CT/TW on "Acceleberation of learning and following late President Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and lifestyle".

Nguyen Thi Tuyet Minh, Permanent Deputy Head of provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilization awards the certificates of merit to outstanding collectives during the 2023 Workers' Month

Over the past time, provincial Labor Union Standing Committee thoroughly grasped annual special subjects for learning and following late President Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and lifestyle, thereby helping officials, Youth Union members and employees understand more  about their responsibilities and obligations in studying and following Uncle Ho's teachings in association with emulation movements, practical and meaningful deeds in daily work. During the 2023 Workers' Month, provincial trade unions at all levels organized many peak activities to take care of trade unionists and employees, especially those with difficult circumstances, fatal illnesses, and workplace accidents.

At the conference, provincial Labor Union rewarded 44 typical collectives and 89 individuals for their achievements in implementing the Directive No. 05-CT/TW on "Acceleration of learning and following late President Ho Chi Minh” for the period of  2021-2023; awarded the certificates of merit to 6 collectives for their excellent performance during the 2023 Workers' Month.

Reported by Do Trong-Translated by Kim Tin

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