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Over 350,000 applications delivered to people's homes

Update: 19-12-2019 | 15:21:43

In 2019, implementing Decision No. 45/2016/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister, Decision No. 827/QD-UBND of the Provincial People's Committee on announcing the list of administrative procedures to receive and return settlement results through public postal services, provincial implementation of a total of 742 administrative procedures, district implementation of 153 administrative procedures and communal implementation of 61 administrative procedures.

As a result, departments, agencies, People's Committees of districts, towns and cities collaborated with the Provincial Post Office to receive nearly 70,000 records at the post offices and in 5 pilot wards to receive records in the city. Along with that, the Provincial Post Office has returned the results of file resolution totaling over 350,000 records to the addresses at the recipients’ requests.

Reported by Ho Van – Translated by Vi Bao

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