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Over 700 Youth Union members get involved in “Green Sunday” campaign

Update: 16-03-2019 | 17:00:26

Thu Dau Mot city’s Youth Union has just implemented activities of the Youth Month 2019 for its branches.

Particularly, the city’s Youth Union organized a ceremony to launch the “Green Sunday” campaign 2019 with the participation of more than 700 Youth Union members. At the ceremony, the city’s Youth Union donated 13 youth works giving strength to needy children with the subsidy level of VND300,000 per pupil per month. These works will be implemented within 3 years with a total expense of more than VND140million.

All 14 wards’ Youth Union branches of the city also launched a “Green Sunday” campaign with 3 city-level works implemented. Particularly, the Youth Union branch of Phu Loi ward carried out a recreational area at the park of the group 23’s resettlement site with a total expense of VND22million. The Youth Union of Tuong Binh Hiep ward also realized a “Green street corner” work for the park of quarter 5…

Reported by Kim Tuyen-Translated by K.T

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