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Over VND17bln spent on study promotion activities

Update: 24-03-2011 | 00:00:00

Early March 22, provincial Study Promotion Association held a conference to review its activities in 2010.

 According to the assessment of association chairman Nguyen Xuan Vinh, the province’s task of study promotion and building a learning-based society last year saw stability from provincial to grassroots levels. The whole province last year awarded scholarships to 43,953 pupils, rewards to 267 teachers; gave financial support on buying educational equippment with a total expense of more than VND17bln.

 On this occasion, 20 individuals were awarded the mementoes “For study promotion career”; 10 collectives and individuals were also awarded the certificates of merit by the Vietnam Study Promotion Association.

 Reported by H.Thai-Translated by K.T

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