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Over VND4.4bln raised for needy people

Update: 11-04-2014 | 00:00:00

In 2014, provincial Fatherland Front Committee (FFC) has set up a plan on the mobilization and use of provincial Fund for the Poor while propagandizing and mobilizing donors, organizations and individuals to make contributions to this fund in order to take care of difficult families to rise up out of poverty and stabilize their lives.

According to provincial FFC, provincial Funds for the Poor at all levels mobilized more than VND4.42bln from organizations and individuals. Of these, more than VND1.7bln was mobilized from provincial Fund for the Poor; more than VND1.1bln from the Funds for the Poor of communes, wards and townships; more than VND1.5bln from 91 communes, wards and townships.

With the above contributions, provincial Funds for the Poor at all levels built and upgraded 49 great unity houses worth more than VND1.9bln; supported more than VND34mln for poor households to develop home based business; provided free medical check-up and treatment for poor households with a total expense of more than VND340mln; gave financial support of more than VND6mln for the offspring of poor households together with many other support programs of nearly VND1.2bln…

Reported by H.Van-Translated by K.T

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