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OVs to take part in Hung Kings worship

Update: 04-04-2014 | 00:00:00

As many as 70 overseas Vietnamese (OV) will return home to participate in the worship of Hung Kings and visit Truong Sa Archipelago from April 7-28.

The information was revealed at a press conference held in Hanoi on April 3.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Foreign Minister and head of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs Nguyen Thanh Son affirmed that the Vietnamese communities in foreign countries are an indispensable part of the country as they serves as a bridge between the homeland and their host countries.

As scheduled, from April 7-14, the delegation will offer incense in the Hung Kings Temple in the northern province of Phu Tho, visit the residential and working place of late President Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi, and pay tribute to General Vo Nguyen Giap at his grave in the central province of Quang Binh.

During the next 13 days, they will visit and present gifts to officers, soldiers and people in Truong Sa Archipelago and join a requiem to commemorate Vietnamese soldiers and people who laid down their lives protecting the country’s sea and island sovereignty.

At the conference, Deputy Foreign Minister Son also briefed participants on his working trip to the US, Canada and the Republic of Korea from March 9-29 to meet with OV communities.

The official stressed that his trip helped Vietnamese communities abroad better understand the homeland’s socio-economic development, especially the Party and State’s incentive policies for OVs when they invest in the country.


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