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Package products with banana leaves – good actions to be replicated

Update: 09-04-2019 | 15:16:48

Recently, many supermarkets, trade centers in the province transferred the package of nylon food bags to banana leaves that are being functional, highly appreciated and supported by customers. According to experts, this is an effective way to contribute to ensuring a greener, cleaner living environment.

Customers choose to buy vegetables wrapped with fresh banana leaves at Binh Duong Co.opmart Supermarket. Photo: Xuan Thi

Customer agreements

At Binh Duong Co.opmart Supermarket (Thu Dau Mot City), when going to a green vegetable shop, choose to buy okra, braised vegetables, onions ... customers will see many kinds of vegetables and tubers are wrapped in banana leaves. Ms. Nguyen Thi Tam, in Phu Tho Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, said that she recently went to the supermarket to buy vegetables and fruits, and found it quite surprising that these items were wrapped with banana leaves. "Looking at the bundles of vegetables wrapped in banana leaves gives me a sense of peace of mind, vegetables are fresher," said Tam.

Le Hong Han, in Chanh Nghia Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, said that for a long time you only saw goods bought in markets and supermarkets put in nylon bags. And now, to Binh Duong Co.opmart supermarket to buy vegetables and tubers, at first you were quite surprised, then agreed with how to pack items with banana leaves. Because, this way of doing things in addition to creating a sense of closeness, safety with buyers is also a solution to protecting the environment.

Recently, many supermarkets, commercial centers, shops ... in the province use banana leaves wrapped in food products to sell to customers, creating good effects. According to Tong Khanh Van, Deputy Director in charge of Binh Duong Co.opmart food, here comes the Ho Chi Minh City Trade Cooperative Association (Saigon Co.op) - managing the Co.opmart system. , will make food wrap with banana leaves clean on a large scale. From March 2011, the nationwide Co.opmart Supermarket is the first retailer in Vietnam to simultaneously implement the regular replacement of nylon bags with environmentally friendly self-destructible nylon bags. This type of bag has the advantage of being able to biodegrade itself in an environment with suitable temperature and light conditions. Although the environment is friendly, the curtains, self-destructive nylon bags and food packages are sold by the supermarket system Co.opmart, Co.op Xop, Co.op Food, Co.op Smiles, Co.op Cheers ... of Saigon Co.op is used in turn to be replaced by fresh banana leaves.

“Over the past few days, many customers who come to shop at Binh Duong Co.opmart show great interest in seeing all kinds of green onions, celery, braised vegetables, spinach wrapped in fresh green banana leaves. Many customers said that when they saw that the vegetables and tubers here were wrapped in banana leaves, they felt more friendly and reassured about the quality, feeling like a bunch of newly harvested vegetables and tubers, then hand-picked the banana leaves to wrap them up. right at home garden, ”Mr. Van said.

Noting that, in Binh Duong, Co.opmart is not the first unit to implement a banana leaf food package, since June 2016, Da Lat House's convenience stores have implemented banana leaf and bag wrappers. paper for all items sold here. The staff of Dalat House (Binh Duong Avenue, Thu Dau Mot City) said that when carrying out the product package with banana leaves, many customers initially complained because of inconvenience if they did not bring a bag. But there was a rule to say no to plastic bags, so the store only packs banana leaves or paper bags. Gradually patronize customers then support the store's way of doing things.

Changing habits, protecting the environment

Currently, after Saigon Co.op, Big C Binh Duong is also preparing to package vegetables and tubers with banana leaves. Ms. Tran Thien Tho, assistant to Big C Binh Duong Director, said the unit is importing banana leaves to pack green vegetables for customers, instead of covering with nylon bags like today. Ms. Tho added that she herself is very supportive of this approach because of environmental friendliness and contributing to environmental protection.

According to media representative Saigon Co.op, seeing many advantages from using natural materials to pack food, supermarkets Co.opmart, Co.op Xtra, Co.op Food, Co. Affiliated op Smiles is experimenting and gradually expanding the package of vegetables, tubers and fruits with fresh banana leaves. This is a practical way for supermarkets and customers to raise awareness of environmental protection. The use of biodegradable bags in general and banana leaf food packages in particular is one of the efforts of Saigon Co.op to minimize the harmful effects of nylon bags, thereby contributing to protecting the living environment, towards benefits. community benefits.

The use of banana leaves for business units, supermarkets, trade centers, traditional markets in the province to produce agricultural products and food sold to customers is a good signal. This is one of the solutions to change consumer habits, environmentally friendly activities, reduce waste. Mr. Ho Van Binh, Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Trade, affirmed that this is one of the solutions to gradually change the habit of harming the environment of the people. This is also a trend that retailers need to be very concerned about in the context of the world is moving to use environmentally friendly food bags.

Reported by Tieu My – Translated by Vi Bao

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