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Cornerstones of development

Part 2: Achievements earned

Update: 08-10-2020 | 10:28:52

On re-establishing the province, Binh Duong faced various difficulties; however, by the determination of the whole political system, the joined force of people strata, and enterprise community, the outstanding development has been shaping the comprehensive success.

A corner of industry-service-urban complex

Strictly following the resolution of the 8th National Party Congress and the second and third conferences of the central committee of CPV in 8th tenure, Binh Duong provincial authority had officially constructed and developed the economic models of concentrated industrial parks and clusters. The new opening policies had not made Binh Duong province known to many. By 2000s, concentrated industrial parks and clusters of Binh Duong had truly got the attention of large investors from developed world who started visits to local industrial parks. The devotion and friendliness of Binh Duong had won the hearts of the most demanding investors from Japan, Korea, USA, and Europe.

In the first steps of such development, the expectations for changing a purely agricultural land have been consolidated. In 2000-2010, following up the success of rightful decisions from the previous years, the provincial authority continued with developing concentrated industrial parks and clusters to create locomotive breakthroughs for transitioning structures and develop the society and economy, creating premises for a strongly developed urban area of industry, services, and trade.

Many may recall the wild land of the north of Binh Duong dominated by dirt roads, rubber plantations, and food paddies. It was easy to catch the sight of small makeshift houses along the way and farmers managing to weed their rubber and food gardens.

The dirt roads have now been asphalted to become more beautiful, cleaner, and wider. The makeshift houses have now been replaced by better housing backed by neatly organized rubber plantations and orchards. Not far away are the concentrated industrial parks and clusters where workers are working daily to create the ‘Made in Vietnam’products.

The then purely agricultural land has been changed as farmers have accessed sciences and technologies to improve their cultivation and husbandry to produce quality and valuable products. A labor force could now choose to trade and meet the rising demands in the province or work for factories of modern lines in their own locality. Whatever they may choose, they only need to be industrious and determined as nobody in BInh Duong province is now in hardship or poverty.

Getting through the communes, wards, districts, and cities from north to south and from east to west of Binh Duong, we could see agricultural land, housing land, and land for industry-trade-services have been well planned. Adding to the concetrated industrial parks and clusters are the residential areas of high-tech agriculture.

(To be continued)

Reported by Dinh Thang – Translated by Vi Bao

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