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Paying debt of gratitude is a regular, continuous activity

Update: 27-07-2017 | 18:08:34

In recent years, "Paying debt of gratitude" movement has received great attention from Party committees, authorities at all levels and people in Binh Duong province. As a result, the material and spiritual life of policy families, revolutionary contributors have been improved markedly. On the 70th anniversary of War Invalids – Martyrs Day (27 July 1947 - 27 July 2017), Binh Duong Newspaper had an interview with Mr. Dang Minh Hung, Vice Chairman of provincial People's Committee.


- Sir, could you please tell us about the results of the "Paying debt of gratitude" movement in the province in recent years?


- Defining Paying debt of gratitude works is one of the key tasks of Party committees and local authorities at all levels, provincial Party Committee, People's Council, the People's Committee and Fatherland Front Committee have been following closely to direct the implementation of the Party's policies, State’s laws related to revolutionary contributors. The goal is that all revolutionary contributors are stable in terms of housing, material and spiritual life guaranteed on the basis of the combination of the three resources of the State, the community and policy beneficiaries bettering themselves.



Mr. Dang Minh Hung, Vice Chairman of provincial People's Committee, presented gifts to policy beneficiaries having treatment at Provincial General Hospital on occasion of July 27 this year.


Implementing policies for contributors, Binh Duong actively reviewed, compiled records in order to have right beneficiaries, sufficient regimes. The province has established and managed 60,419 profiles of all kinds of revolutionary contributors. Among them, the province bestowed State honor title upon 2,083 Vietnamese heroic mothers (currently 81 alive mothers); 16,309 martyrs; 4,823 war invalids of all classes; 1,024 sick soldiers; 833 imprisoned revolutionary soldiers; 5,622 revolutionary contributors are receiving one-time and monthly allowance; 1,299 revolutionary soldiers and their offspring have been exposed to toxic chemicals ... Of which, 8,607 revolutionary contributors are receiving monthly subsidies with a budget of over VND 12.5 billion per month.


On big holidays, provincial leaders, departments, and localities also visit and present gifts to policy beneficiaries. Since 2012, over 672,000 beneficiaries have been given presents, totaling VND 471.2 billion (central budget VND 100.3 billion, local budget VND 352.9 billion, mobilized budget nearly VND 18 billion).


From province to grassroots level have also encouraged organizations and individuals to support 100% lifetime Vietnamese heroic mothers with monthly allowance of VND 1 million/month or more. Health care for contributors is also focused, like providing health care coverage and free medical treatment. In addition, Vietnamese heroic mothers, seriously injured soldiers are given health care according to the regime of high officials.


From 2012 to 2017, the whole province has built and repaired 1,061 houses of gratitude, totaling nearly VND 43.6 billion; presented 301 savings books with a total amount of over VND 189 million; presented necessary equipment to policy families with a budget of over VND 11 billion. In the past five years (2012-2017), the province spent over VND 10 billion on organizing for 685 subjects as Vietnamese heroic mothers, typical contributor’s families to visit Hanoi and Con Dao, Phu Quoc.


- Sir, in 2017, along with the whole country, Binh Duong has which specific activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of War Invalids – Martyrs Day?


- To practically celebrate the 70th anniversary of War Invalids – Martyrs Day, this year, provincial People's Committee issued Plan No. 1680 / KHUBNDND on the organization of activities celebrating the 70th anniversary of War Invalids – Martyrs Day (27 July 1947 - 27 July 2017), in which there are specific assignments of key activities to all levels, sectors and localities. Namely, raising "Gratitude" Fund; Construction and repair of houses of gratitude; Organization of visits, giving gifts to families of war invalids - martyrs, contributors; Visit to provincial martyr's cemetery; search, gathering remains of martyrs...


In addition, from province to localities will hold meetings to mark the 70th anniversary of War Invalids – Martyrs Day; light tribute candles to martyrs. The sector of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs has organized for 150 heroic Vietnamese mothers, wounded soldiers, martyrs' families, typical contributors to visit Hanoi and Phu Quoc; select typical contributors to attend the national outstanding contributor conference 2017 in Hanoi.


- In the next period, what basic content has gratitude movement in Binh Duong, sir?


 - To ensure that contributors has a stable material, joyful spiritual life as Uncle Ho had taught, gratitude movement in Binh Duong will continue to mobilize for Gratitude Fund at all levels to build, repair houses, offer necessary furniture to contributors; encourage cadres, civil servants, employees in agencies, branches and unions to register a specific and practical job for contributors such as saving one day salary for the fund, planting flowers or taking care of martyrs' graves...


Units regularly organize trips of returning to the root for cadres, civil servants and youth union members to review the heroic struggling tradition of the nation. Communes, wards, and townships will strive to ensure that contributors in their respective regions have average living standards equal to or higher than the average living standards of residents in the same place, and maintain the annual title of "Commune or ward do good works for wounded soldiers, martyrs and contributors".


- In order to effectively carry out the gratitude movement, what are essential solutions, in your opinion?


- In order to well perform gratitude works, the Party and government at all levels, as well as departments and mass organizations must enhance propaganda and regular implementation of the law-making day towards revolutionary contributor policies in order for the people, units and enterprises to apprehend guidelines and policies of the Party and the State and join hands for the care for contributors; consider this as a regular, continuous work of all levels and sectors.


Furthermore, promptly commend organizations, individuals and enterprises for the good work of paying debt of gratitude in order to encourage and facilitate the development of this movement; implement well preferential policies for enterprises that make many contributions to Gratitude Fund in accordance with regulations in order to nurture valuable contributions of those enterprises to the movement.


- Thank you Sir!


Reported by Thien Ly – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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