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People praise the 1022 Binh Duong hotline system

Update: 18-12-2019 | 11:34:37

Just been in operation for nearly 1 month, but the hotline system of 1022 in Binh Duong has received hundreds of compliments from the people. Many people after phone (0274) 1022 or send questions and answers via email, Zalo to app 1022. binhduong; web 1022. has been fully answered by the hotline staff.

Staff of the hotline system 1022 Binh Duong handles and answers questions and information sent by people.

Ms. Doan Thi Lien, a resident of Phu Hoa Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, said that in the past week, after I learned that the provincial People's Committee had put into operation the 1022 Binh Duong hotline system, I had a phone call to advise on necessary procedures for making a birth certificate for children. After 2 minutes of direct communication with the hotline staff, I was satisfied with my questions, understanding the components of the dossier, procedures and fees for conducting administrative procedures to send the locality to give birth to my child. “I believe that the establishment of this information channel has responded quickly to the need to answer information for people. Staff answering questions with people has shown a gentle attitude, polite, close, "Ms. Lien said.

Sharing the same opinion with Ms. Lien, Mr. Doan Van Tinh, a resident of Phu My Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, said the introduction of the "hot" 1022 Binh Duong hotline system has quickly met the needs of answering information. News for the people. Previously, a lot of information related to administrative procedures, we had to go to the state management agency to ask, had to wait for an hour to answer, but now we send mail to 1022 then be answered satisfactorily. In addition, many times on the road, seeing a traffic accident, we phone (0274) 1022, then a few minutes later, local forces come to protect the scene, very fast and convenient. "I think that the introduction of the 1022 Binh Duong hotline system is in line with the development orientation of the province, towards building a smart city of Binh Duong," Tinh complimented.

In fact, from the date of announcement of operation, the hotline system received an average of more than 50 daily reflections, recommendations, mostly delayed in filing, administrative procedures. Respond to the scene of traffic accidents, traffic jams, etc. For people's recommendations, the receiving department responded satisfactorily and conveyed to agencies, units receiving and handling information. timely news. As a result, from the date of operation up to now, the hotline system of 1022 Binh Duong has received more than 100 phone calls and emails sent compliments and encouragement about the effectiveness of receiving and processing information. , especially information related to administrative procedures settlement, dossier components, fees, and charges.

Ms. Nguyen Hoang Kim Khanh, staff of the hotline system 1022 Binh Duong, said: “From these compliments, we are very proud. We will try our best to serve the people with the professional knowledge that has been trained and trained by the Provincial People's Committee, the Department of Information and Communications over the past several months. ” Mr. Vu Nguyen Khoa, Project Director of Binh Duong 1022 Project, LCS Company, which is responsible for technical support and capacity for 1022 Binh Duong hotline system, said to ensure the system. Binh Duong 1022 hotline is open and serving people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The information receiving section includes nearly 20 employees, 3 shifts / day, 6 shifts each. employees. The hotline staff are well-trained from the professional to the gentle, courteous culture.

Any more questions. Right now, people can use the phone to call (0274) 1022 and text, send email, social networks, Zalo with the official account "Binh Duong smartCity"; app 1022.binhduong; web: 1022. After receiving and verifying information, the receiving department will immediately respond to emergency assistance requests, respond immediately to the information available in the database or forward it to the processing authorities. Reason and answer for the "hot line", "hot line" will answer for people to reflect.

Reported by Ho Van – Translated by Vi Bao

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