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Pham Van Tuyen, Deputy Director of Department of Labour and Invalids and Social Affairs: Many solutions implemented to ensure occupational safety and hygiene

Update: 19-06-2023 | 11:16:46

Action Month on occupational safety and health (OSH) 2023 with the theme: "Strengthening the development of safe working processes and measures and improving working conditions, reducing stress at workplace" took place with many meaningful and practical activities at agencies, units, and localities. Binh Duong Newspaper recently had an interview with Pham Van Tuyen, Deputy Director of Provincial Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Deputy Head of provincial Steering Committee for the Action Month, about this event.

During the OSH Action Month 2023, Provincial Occupational Safety and Health Committee continues to strengthen the information and dissemination of Law on OSH - FPF.

 - Sir, to implement the OSH Action Month 2023, which requirements and contents do government levels, branches, production and business establishments etc. comply with?

- Units set up plans, contents, and budget to organize activities to respond to the OHS Action Month 2023 in accordance with characteristics of their units, and ensure efficiency and thrift as follows: reviewing, building, and supplementing processes and measures for safe working and fire prevention and fighting at departments and workshops; do self-inspection, review and assessment of safety risks for machinery, equipment, and supplies subject to strict OSH requirements; develop and implement specific programs and action plans on OSH - PPE to prevent and control risks and accidents, and ensure OSH - PPE at the workplace.

The units organize information, communication, and launch movements to well perform OSH - fire prevention tasks at their units; strengthen communication activities, apply information technology, social networks, internal radio to inform and propagate regimes, policies, causes, risks on OSH; organize visits and encourage victims and their families suffering from occupational accidents and diseases...

- During the time before, during and after the launch of the Action Month, what series of practical activities did the Provincial Occupational Safety and Health’s Steering Committee carry out, sir?

- The Steering Committee has intensified the information and guidance on OSH - FPF; organized and implemented firefighting and rescue plans at establishments at high risk of fire and explosion in the province. The Steering Committee inspected and examined OSH - FPF at production and business establishments; visited and encouraged victims and victims' families suffering from occupational accidents and diseases, visit production and business establishments that perform well OSH - FPF works; held contests to learn about OSH - FPF...

- OSH work performance in the province has achieved some good results. However, OSH work still has some limitations. Through inspection and evaluation, what solutions does the Provincial Occupational Safety and Health’s Steering Committee have to build a harmonious and stable labor relationship, sir?

- In recent years, occupational safety and health guarantee in the province has gained certain results, contributing to reducing the number of occupational accidents, building a professional workforce and achieving high productivity. However, through inspection, there are still a few businesses, people, and employees who have not paid attention to performing this work, so there are still cases of occupational accidents ranging from mild to fatal, fires and explosions happening in the province  The Steering Committee has also propagated, guided, inspected, and handled violations to help people, agencies, and businesses see the need to implement regulations on OSH in production and business activities so that they can carry out this work better.

- Sir, in order for the OSH Action Month to be truly meaningful, practical, and effective, what instructions does the OSH Steering Committee have for branches, localities, units, enterprises to implement well in the coming time?

- This year's OSH Action Month is very appropriate while the whole country is actively and proactively building safe working processes and measures, improving working conditions, and building harmonious and stable labor relations.  In addition to some important measures taken, in the coming time, Provincial Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs will continue to coordinate with related branches to strengthen information and dissemination of the law on OSH in order to raise the awareness and responsibility of employers and employees in production and business activities.

The Department continues to instruct and urge businesses and establishments to review and develop safe working processes and measures, conduct risk assessment in the workplace, and fire prevention fighting measures; raise employees’ awareness and safe working skills in order to prevent occupational accidents, fires and explosions; at the same time, strictly handle violations of the law on OSH - fire prevention.

- Thank you Sir!

 The Provincial Steering Committee for Occupational Safety and Health has strengthened information, dissemination, and guidance on OSH - FPF; organize the practice of firefighting and rescue plans at establishments at high risk of fire and explosion in the province. The Steering Committee also inspected and examined OSH - FPF at production and business establishments; visited and encouraged victims and their families suffering from occupational accidents and diseases, visited typical production and business establishments that perform well OSH - FPF work...

Reported by T.Vy, N.Trai - Translated by Ngoc Huynh 

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