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Phu Giao District Party Committee to expand models of learning and following President Ho Chi Minh

Update: 31-07-2017 | 15:21:19

In order to study and follow President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style, in continual spreading and animated manner, Phu Giao District Party Committee has focused on the building and multiplication of good models and creativity. In fact, many models of learning and following President Ho Chi Minh in the district have really brought about positive effects in many aspects.

According to the plan of the Provincial Party Committee and District Party Committee, up to date, the Directive 05-CT / TW of the Politburo, specialized for 2017 of "studying and following the ideal, morality and style of President Ho Chi Minh on prevention of political and moral degradation, "self-evolving" and " self-transforming" for all cadres, Party members, and working people is implemented while organizing cadres, Party members, and employees to register for studying and following President Ho Chi Minh in association with specific functions and tasks.


Vuong Tan Luc (far right), the permanent Deputy Secretary of Phu Giao District Party Committee awards merit certificate to collectives of excellent achievements in 1 year of implementing Directive 05. Photo: C.S.

Le Thi Huong, the Deputy Head of the Committee for Propaganda and Education of Phu Giao District said that in order to implement the Directive No. 05-CT/TW achieving the highest results, the Committee for Propaganda and Education of the District Party Committee advised the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee to implement many contents, including the establishment of delegations supervising the deployment, the results of the implementation of the study and follow the thoughts, ethics and style of President Ho Chi Minh in the branches of the Party. Recently, the delegation has conducted monitoring at the Party Committee of An Long Commune and District Branch of Public Works. Through monitoring, 2 branches of this Party Committee has ensured compliance with the contents and instructions of the Provincial Party Committee and the District Party Committee such as deploying the right pace of learning, grasping and organizing for 100% Party members registering for studying and following President Ho Chi Minh. The registration of cadres and Party members has been close to the professional functions and tasks of each personnel.

In the implementation of the formerly Directive 03 and now the Directive 05, in the area of ​​Phu Giao district has appeared many good models, how to create and promote effective in practice. Among them are some typical models such as the Association of War Veterans, well maintaining the movement of 100% of member families hanging President Ho Chi Minh’s photography; movement of shortened and modern funeral services. The Association of Women has been maintaining the emulation movement of "following President Ho Chi Minh and mutual supports of sustainable poverty reduction" with participation of nearly 95% of members. The Youth League with activities of writing a book of gold and diaries of following President Ho Chi Minh and telling stories about President Ho Chi Minh with rewards for students with hard-earned good achievements in learning. The District Military HQ has been maintaining the activity of remarks, praises and commendations of individuals and groups who had fulfilled their monthly tasks well at the flag-raising ceremony on Mondays.

In particular, the modern funeral service has been effective in practice to create hig consensus from the point of view in the area of ​​Phuoc Vinh Township, spreading to the whole town. Along with that, in other localities have appeared many practical models, promoting the role and responsibility of officials and party members to create consensus in society and to attract the participation of all classes of people. At the same time, the material and spiritual life of the people has been taken good care of.

To make learning and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideals, morality and style more effective, Phu Giao Party Committee affirmed that propaganda is still an important step to focus on for the coming time. "The propaganda for the implementation of the Directive 05 in Phu Giao District was determined to be closely linked with the Resolution of the 4th plenum of the Central Committee of the CPV in the 12th term and must be effective and extensive to every cadre, party member and among all people classes. People are to understand the content and deep meaning of learning and following President Ho Chi Minh to encouraged them to follow. Along with that, the role of exemplary cadres, party members, heads of local committees, agencies, units and prestigious people in the residential areas will be further promoted in terms of responsibility," said Le Thi Huong.

Reported by Cao Son – Translated by Vi Bao


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