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Phu Giao District Youth Union accompanies ethnic and religious minority youth for economic development

Update: 18-12-2023 | 13:23:10

To carry out the work of caring for, supporting ethnic minority youth in the district to stabilize and develop the economy, Youth Union’s Standing Committee of Phu Giao district have deployed many programs and specific solutions.

Giving support to ethnic and religious young persons.

Caring for, supporting, and accompanying ethnic minority youth and religious groups is one of the important tasks that has always been of concern to Phu Giao youth for many years. Recently, Standing Committee of Youth Union and Youth Federation of Phu Giao district visited to encourage and give livelihood support to Son Hieu, a Khmer ethnic youth in Tam Lap commune. Son Hieu is a typical union member of Tam Lap commune. In recent times, he has actively participated in local youth union activities. While working at a milk tea and snack shop, Hieu also dreamed of one day having a startup capital and owning a shop himself.

District Youth Union and Youth Federation present durian seedlings and fertilizer to Pham Thanh Duc, Head of Youth association branch of Quarter 4, Phuoc Vinh Town.

Hieu said: "I dream of opening a shop that sells drinks and lunch, so rubber-tapping workers have a place to stop and rest while waiting for the latex to drain." However, due to his difficult family circumstance, Hieu did not have the initial capital to start a business. Understanding this, the District Youth Union and Youth Federation visited to encourage and present a startup capital of 5 million VND to Hieu. With this support, Hieu bought some necessary items to open a shop, such as: rice cooker, fan, hammock, juicer, gas stove, pot set, cups and chopsticks... Although this amount was not much, it has created motivation for Hieu to overcome difficulties and improve his family's income.

Not only taking care of ethnic minority youth, the District Youth Union and Youth Federation also do activities to accompany young religious followers in the district to stabilize and develop their lives. Accordingly, this year, the District Youth Union and Youth Federation awarded 20 durian seedlings and fertilizer with a total value of 4 million VND to Pham Thanh Duc, Head of Youth association branch of Quarter 4, Phuoc Vinh Town. Duc is a young religious believer in Phuoc Vinh town that has a difficult circumstance. Giving livelihoods to ethnic minority and religious youth having difficult circumstances in the district aims to care for and support economic development for young people; At the same time, it shows companionship with religious youth and ethnic minority youth in labor and economic development.

Accompanying young people to start a business and stabilize their lives

Nguyen Thi Minh Hang, Secretary of Phu Giao District Youth Union, said: “Caring for and supplying livestock, breeds, plants, and startup capital for ethnic minority and religious youth having difficult circumstances is one of the meaningful activities to show the concern of Phu Giao District Youth Union and Youth Federation for young people to establish themselves and start a career, thereby further motivating and cultivating the desire to make contribution to economic development and legitimate enrichment for young people, especially ethnic minority youth and religious youth, contributing to building Phu Giao District.

Hang added that, in order to assist young people in starting a business and establishing a business, in the past year, Youth Union and Association levels in the district have also organized activities to accompany young people in starting a business by many specific solutions that are close to the needs of young people. Namely, to coordinate with Economics, Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Office of the district to encourage the youth to participate in training classes on growing crops and growing mushrooms; continue to maintain the activity of helping each other with family economic development, regularly studying and applying science and technology into production; Maintain effective operations of 10 youth cooperative groups and youth association groups, bringing high economic efficiency and profits to groups and families; Participate in conferences to disseminate and train for entrepreneurship skills and innovation in production and business in the district...

In addition, Phu Giao District Youth Union also organized training on technology transfer and counseling on knowledge of growing organic agricultural products, clean, safe, and environmentally friendly agriculture, attracting a large number of young people. Thereby helping young people be properly trained, know and apply digital platforms into supply and demand, proactively create good and effective models, and constantly strive to create new products and renew old ones, contributing to solving difficulties and shortcomings, actively contributing to agricultural digital transformation, effectively implementing the goal of "Each rural young one is a businessman, each youth cooperative a business of digital technology application".

Along with care and support activities, Youth Union - Federation in Phu Giao district also organized trips for youth members to visit good youth production and business models in the area so that they can learn experience and apply it into their own startup process. These activities contributed to equipping young people with knowledge about innovative entrepreneurship; Motivate, encourage, and support young people to have many creative ideas in establishing themselves, starting a business, getting rich legitimately, improving material and spiritual life, building a developing and beautiful homeland...

Nguyen Thi Minh Hang, Secretary of Phu Giao District Youth Union: “Caring for and supplying livestock, breeds, plants, and startup capital for ethnic minority and religious youth having difficult circumstances is one of the meaningful activities to show the concern of Phu Giao District Youth Union and Youth Federation for young people to establish themselves and start a career, thereby further motivating and cultivating the desire to make contribution to economic development and legitimate enrichment for young people, especially ethnic minority youth and religious youth, contributing to building Phu Giao District.

Reported by Ngoc Nhu - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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