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Phu Giao obtains over VND3.19trillion in agro-forestry-fishery production value

Update: 05-10-2020 | 17:33:18

Phu Giao district’s agro-forestry-fishery production value over the past nine months was more than VND3.19trillion, up 8% compared to the same period last year or 71.62% against the year’s plan. The proportions of cultivation and animal husbandry in the local agricultural structure were 62.8% and 37.2%, respectively.

The whole district has so far had 168 models on hi-tech agricultural production, up 55 compared to 2019. There have been 27 organizations, individuals getting preferential loans to develop models with hi-tech application with more than VND301billion. Of that amount, more than VND260billion was disbursed …

Reported by Thoai Phuong-Translated by K.T

Phu Giao
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