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Phu Giao’s economy reaches positive change

Update: 08-05-2019 | 11:03:15

Despite facing difficulties from consumption market and price plus the impacts of African hog cholera, Phu Giao has still continued reaching a positive change in economic development in the first months of 2019.

Good results

Doan Van Dong, Chairman of Phu Giao district’s People’s Committee said that the district has actively taken the set solutions right from early 2019 to redress obstacles in economic development.

Urban and hi-tech agricultural development is one of the district’s major tasks in 2019. In picture: The orchid growing model of Nguyen Ngoc Diep in Phuoc Vinh township’s quarter 6 brings hi-economic efficiency

Upon this, the district’s economy over the past four months continued obtaining a positive change. The district’s total area for annual cultivation was more than 1.181 hectares, up 0.56 hectares compared to the previous period last year. In terms of animal husbandry, there were more than 2 million heads of poultry and cattle. The district’s industrial, trade-service sectors also continued taking fruits…

This year, the district will strive to gain the growth of 5.8%-6.2% in agro-forestry production value, 12.5%-13.2% in industrial manufacture value and 20%-21% in total retail sales revenue of commodities and services in comparison with 2018.

The district has also set targets of reaching more than VND281.5billion in State budget collection; obtaining 100% of households in use of clean water; reducing the rate of poor households to 0.1% under the province’s new poverty line; generating jobs for 900-1,000 laborers; having additional 2 new-style rural communes; perfecting necessary procedures and submitting them to provincial People’s Committee and the central government for considering and recognizing it as a new-style rural district by the end of the year.

Shift in right direction

To achieve 2019’s targets, from now to year-end, Phu Giao district will continue directing the implementation of the district’s People’s Committee’s Plan No.35/KH-UBND dated March 1, 2019 on the realization of the Government’s Resolution No.01/NQ-CP on major tasks, solutions to implement 2019 plan for socio-economic development; the plan for realization of a program on agricultural development and new-style rural construction in association with ecotourism development for the 2016-2020 period.

The district will also further make the shift of agricultural structure towards hi-tech models in association with processing industry between 2016 and 2020; create favorable conditions for the local animal husbandry to develop under the modern industrial formula, creating good products, ensuring food safety-hygiene and environmental protection.

Along with this, the district will make efforts to well carry out tasks of controlling over the environment, tapping mineral resources; strengthen inspection and seriously handle illegal mineral exploitation cases, facilities causing environmental pollution; excel at construction order management and urban rejuvenation in association with urban planning in Phuoc Vinh-Vinh Hoa. The district will also instruct its township and communes to intensify the implementation of the national target program on civilized urban and new-style rural construction towards the 20th anniversary of its reestablishment…

According to leaders of the district, with the above-mentioned solutions, the district will well fulfill the set targets and plans, especially guarantee its target of being recognized as a new-style rural district this year.

Reported by Hai Sam-Translated by K.T

Phu Giao
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