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Phu Giao’s targets in 2013 fulfilled

Update: 13-12-2013 | 00:00:00

The Executive Board of Phu Giao district’s Party Committee, on December 12, opened its 24th open conference to review the result of the implementation of the local targets on socio-economic development and national defence-security in 2013. Attending the conference was Tran Thi Kim Van, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice-Chairwoman of provincial People’s Council.

In 2013, the district’s Party Committee drastically took measures in the leadership task and reached many set targets and plans. Particularly, the district’s economic growth gained 12.3%; the average income per capita was VND30.8mln a year, up VND3.7mln compared to 2012; the ratio of poor households reduced to 2.68% of total. The district also offered jobs for 1,472 laborers or 210% of the year’s plan; fulfilled the rural new construction of Tan Long commune; maintained national defence and security… Additional 158 Party members were admitted or 158% of the set target, bringing the total number of the district’s Party members to 2,231…

At the conference, the Executive Board of Phu Giao district’s Party Committee defined orientations and tasks for 2014 with economic growth at 12.5%-13%, the average income per capita reaching VND34.5mln a year, the ratio of poor households reducing to 4% under the province’s new poverty line. The district will also strive to create jobs for 900 laborers, fulfill Tan Hiep commune’s new rural construction, admit additional 100 Party members…

Reported by Hoai Phuong-Translated by K.T

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