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Phu Giao youth and gratitude work

Update: 14-07-2023 | 12:33:37

During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh once said: “Invalids, sick soldiers, and families of martyrs are those who have made great contributions to the Fatherland and the people. So it is our duty to be grateful, to love and to help them.” Remembering his teachings, the youth of Phu Giao district have enthusiastically participated in many specific and practical activities, movements to express their gratitude and responsibility towards policy families and people with meritorious services to the revolution.

Youth union members of Phu Giao district visit and give gifts to Vietnamese heroic mothers on Tet holidays.

 Meaningful deeds

Hoang Thi Hong Phuc, born in 1952, is a former youth volunteer, living alone in Gia Bien hamlet (Tam Lap commune) in an old and dilapidated level-4 house. Thus Standing Board of Phu Giao District Youth Union mobilized social resources to repair the house of Ms. Phuc. The district’s youth union members coordinated with the 429th Special Forces Brigade to repair windows, fix cracked walls, paint doors and windows, repaint and re-roof the house. After the house was repaired, Ms. Phuc no longer suffers from the hot sun in summer, leaks in rainy season, stabilize her life.

Besides, in order to create a source of documents about the local revolutionary historical tradition, especially materials about the local historical witnesses over previous periods, Phu Giao District Youth Union organized a series of journeys returning to the root “Continuing the tradition - Confidently stepping into the future”, “I love my Fatherland”, “Journey to red addresses” for young people to meet and talk with local historical witnesses; listen to stories about local heroic revolutionary historical memoirs... This series of journeys is a rich and practical source of material to enhance education on patriotism, foster revolution ideals for the young generation of the home district.

Phan Thi Hong, Deputy Secretary of Phu Giao District Youth Union, said that to turn towards the grassroots, the youth of Phu Giao district regularly carry out many activities such as taking care of Vietnamese heroic mothers and policy families, revolution contributors on big holidays and Tet festivals. “Gratitude activities to revolution contributors in the district help the young generation understand the great contributions of the previous generations to the cause of protecting the homeland, then they will be more active in youth movements and activities", added Ms. Hong.

July of gratitude

July is an occasion for the entire Party, people and army to turn towards Invalids and Martyrs' Day to remember and pay tribute to heroes who have fallen for national independence and freedom. In this gratitude spirit, together with young people everywhere in the province, Phu Giao youth are also focusing on many practical activities on occasion of 76th anniversary of Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27).

In order to educate the young generation on the revolutionary tradition and patriotism, Phu Giao district has enhanced propaganda to the youth about the meaning of July 27; opened a Week of "Gratitude", "Drink water, remember the source" combined with activities in the Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign in July and peak from July 20 to 27 with activities, such as: visiting, giving gifts and taking care of heroic Vietnamese mothers; providing free medical examination, treatment, and medicine distribution to policy families.

The district Youth Union also commended and rewarded of war invalids - martyrs families, policy families’ good children in studying well, being filial and engaging in youth works; conducted surveys and mobilized contributions for the construction of gratitude houses, charity houses, repair damaged or degraded gratitude houses; activities of youth to help victims of Agent Orange…

in addition, Youth Union organizations in the district jointly organize volunteer activities on environmental sanitation, repair, embellishment, and create a green, clean and beautiful environment at cemeteries and martyrs' monuments, historical and cultural sites. The above activities are implemented seriously, effectively, and meaningfully by young people across the district. This is also an opportunity for young people to show their roles, responsibilities and gratitude to policy beneficiaries and families with meritorious services to the revolution. At the same time, the activities also arouse the patriotism, national pride and responsibility of the youth in the current period.

Today's young generation of Phu Giao put more effort to uphold the indomitable heroic tradition of his father's generation, vow to emulate learning, training, productive labor, actively participate in patriotic emulation movements, build and defend the Fatherland, contributing to building the homeland, for the country to become more prosperous, beautiful and civilized," emphasized Ms. Hong.

In order to educate the young generation on the revolutionary tradition and patriotism, Phu Giao district has enhanced propaganda to the youth about the meaning of July 27; opened a Week of "Gratitude", "Drink water, remember the source" combined with activities in the Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign in July and peak from July 20 to 27 with activities, such as: visiting, giving gifts and taking care of heroic Vietnamese mothers; providing free medical examination, treatment, and medicine distribution to policy families. 

Reported by H. Phuong, L. Huy – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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