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“Pink vacation” campaign takes care of young workers’ offspring

Update: 24-07-2019 | 15:40:36

Under the “Pink vacation” volunteer campaign, provincial Youth Unions at all levels have organized a wide range of significant activities taking care of young workers’ offspring…

The “Pink vacation” program is held by provincial Support Center for Young Workers on July 20 and 21. This is the first time provincial Youth Union Standing Committee has organized the program for young workers’ offspring with difficult circumstances and pupils at charity classes across the province.

Coming to the program, children will take part in offering incense, wreaths and learning about the local history at Phu Loi Prison relic site. They will be provided free medical check-up, medicine and guided how to wash hands properly. In addition, they will have a chance to participate in a talk show on “Family and value of life”, learn life skills and visit firms, factories at the My Phuoc Industrial Park in Ben Cat town. The organizers will also give gifts for participating children and awarded scholarships to poor-but-excellent pupils.

It is known that the “Pink vacation” campaign has taken place across the province. In TDM city, 100% of wards’ Youth Unions have organized classes on swimming, skills against drowning, injured accidents in children; awarded scholarships, learning tools to children in residential areas and those at charity classes. Noticeably, the Youth Union of Hiep Thanh ward organized a class on swimming free of charge for 34 needy children, helping them know about swimming skills as well as how to prevent and combat drowning accidents.

Whilst, the Youth Unions of wards in Di An town have held a variety of voluntary activities for the offspring of young workers at lodging facilities and charity classes. Particularly, they organized classes on foreign language, sports and weekend playgrounds…for the local children. At the sub-union for young workers at the lodging facility No.143/4B, Binh Duong quarter, An Binh ward, the local Youth Union held a weekend playground with interesting games for children…

Possibly speaking, programs taking care of children under the “Pink vacation” campaign have created practical and effective playgrounds for the offspring of young workers in the province.

Reported by Nhu Y-Translated by K.T

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