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Pioneering in digital age

Update: 21-03-2023 | 11:52:50

With the theme of "Youth pioneering in digital transformation", together with the whole country, Binh Duong’s youngsters are trying to implement many practical and meaningful activities during the Youth Month 2023. Making volunteer activities to support people performing online public services, propagandizing civil service culture, guiding people how to install and activate electronic identity accounts... are the deeds being done by the local young people.

With the voluntary spirit of young people, over the past time, the local Youth Union branches have launched and deployed many practical activities, namely “Green Sunday”, “Volunteer Saturday”, “Peak day for building a civilized city”…, in line with units and localities’ operational programs and needs, creating an exciting competition atmosphere among Youth Union members...Especially, the theme of digital transformation is placing on the shoulders of young people an important and urgent task at the general trend of the current period, contributing to promoting Binh Duong on the journey of smart city construction.

Binh Duong has issued a resolution on digital transformation to 2025, with an orientation to 2030, identifying this as the "key" to be proactive to participate in the fourth industrial revolution. Therefore, for digital transformation to be carried out on schedule, along with the leadership and direction of all-level Party committees and authorities, propaganda work to raise people and enterprises’ awareness of digital transformation is a journey. In that journey, young people are a force full of necessary qualities to pioneer in implementation, contributing to changing the management and administration activities of the government in an effective, efficient and transparent manner, promoting innovation, increasing labor productivity, changing people’s ways to live and work...

The province is now home to more than 100 youth volunteer squads serving digital transformation at provincial Public Administration Center, district-level Public Administration Service Centers, district/commune-level one-stop shop sections. With their voluntary spirit, from provincial to communal levels, Binh Duong youth have guided and supported tens of thousands of people and enterprises to perform online public services at levels 3, 4. Youth groups on community digital transformation of the Youth Union branches in quarters and hamlets have  also been established to propagandize and guide people how to participate, use electronic identity accounts, disseminated conveniences from online public administrative procedures among people and enterprises... With practical and meaningful activities, especially in digital transformation, Binh Duong’s youngsters have joined hands with the province in successfully building digital government.

Reported by Ky Tan-Translated by Kim Tin

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