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Planting trees, protecting forests associated with socio-economic development

Update: 31-10-2023 | 12:20:51

Binh Duong has continued implementing solutions to promote the implementation of the project on "Planting 1 billion trees in the period of 2021-2025", with focus on protecting and developing forests, thereby bringing a clean ecological environment, improving the local scenery and responding to climate change.

Over 16,000 trees planted

Under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 524/QD-TTg dated April 1, 2021 approving the project on "Planting 1 billion trees in the period of 2021-2025", provincial departments, sectors and district-level People's Committees have regularly organized propaganda movements, activities, planted trees, made afforestation, replicated effective and creative models.

Leaders of provincial Department of Agriculture-Rural Development and Forest Protection sub-Department plant trees at the ceremony of launching the "Tree-planting festival” themed “Forever grateful to Uncle Ho”

Accordingly, based on provincial People's Committee’s Official Dispatch No. 1382/UBND-KT dated March 28, 2023, provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’s Official Dispatch No. 695/SNN-NN dated March 31, 2023 on the organization of planting scattered trees in 2023, provincial Forest Protection sub-Department has organized the implementation of scattered tree planting and achieved results under the plan. Nguyen Van O, Director of provincial Forest Protection sub-Department said that the implementation of scattered tree planting is aimed at propagandizing and educating about the purpose and meaning of planting trees and forests while raising awareness of all-level authorities, sectors and people from all strata about the effects of planting trees, protecting forests in association with socio-economic development, contributing to protecting the ecological environment, reducing natural disasters, adapting to climate change, increasing forestry and perennial tree coverage in the province.

To achieve the results of scattered tree planting in 2023, provincial Forest Protection sub-Department has coordinated with districts, towns and cities to organize a ceremony launching the 2023 "Tree-planting festival themed “Forever grateful to Uncle Ho” in association with the implementation of the project of planting one billion trees for the period of 2021-2025 approved by the Prime Minister. In 2023, there are 13 units registering to plant trees with a total number of 12,000 trees, including 1,800 2-year-old trees and 10,200 1-year-old ones…

Mr. O said that with the close attention and direction of provincial Party Committee, People's Committee, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development along with the coordination and support of all-level authorities and sectors, the organization of launching the "Tree-planting festival” themed “Forever grateful to Uncle Ho” and planting scattered trees in 2023 have been implemented well. The work of delivering trees on time under the instructions of the General Department of Forestry, bringing the movement of planting trees for afforestation into people's hearts, gradually socializing afforestation work to protect the living environment, creating a clean, friendly and close environment to the people, contributing to improving the coverage rate of forestry and perennial trees maintained at 57.5%. The total number of scattered trees planted at the "Tree-planting festival” themed “Forever grateful to Uncle Ho” and under the local plan planting scattered trees in 2023 has to date reached 16,100 trees. Of these, 12,000 seedlings were supplied by provincial Forest Protection sub-Department, with the average survival rate of plants reaching 96%.

Contributing to improving coverage rate

Over the past time, provincial Forest Protection sub-Department also paid attention to afforestation work. All-level foresters of the province excelled at advising the local People's Committees to effectively implement central and provincial policies on socializing forest protection and development. Since 2008, the trend of planting large, perennial timber trees with high economic value has received more attention. Particularly, provincial Forest Protection sub-Department has planted nearly 28 hectares of Jatropha curcas trees in Dau Tieng district’s An Lap commune, 64.24 hectares of Jatropha curcas trees in the Go So area of ​​sub-zone 23 in North Tan Uyen district.

As a result, the work has contributed to gradually greening the local bare land and bare hills, creating a source of raw materials for production units. The above afforestation area has been developed well, contributing to increasing the coverage rate to 57.5%. In addition, provincial Forest Protection sub-Department has coordinated with localities to launch the "Tree-planting festival” themed “Forever grateful to Uncle Ho and make a program on planting scattered trees. On average, the province plants 38.60 hectares of trees each year. Mr. O added that in 2024, the sector will continue implementing the tree planting festival and scattered tree planting activities under the direction of higher authorities, contributing to effectively implementing the Project on "Planting 1 billion trees in the period of 2021-2025”. Provincial Forest Protection sub-Department will further coordinate with the economic divisions of districts, towns, cities and army units stationed in the province and provincial Youth Union to launch the "Tree-planting festival” themed “Forever grateful to Uncle Ho and make a program on planting scattered trees with good results.

Nguyen Van O, Director of provincial Forest Protection sub-Department said that provincial Forest Protection sub-Department will further promote propaganda to raise awareness and responsibility of all- level authorities, sectors and people in implementing the project as well as protecting, developing forests and planting trees; focus on implementing the project on "Planting 1 billion trees in the period of 2021-2025", which will be a solid premise for the province to continue protecting and developing forests, bringing a clean ecological environment, improving the local scenery, responding to climate change, thereby gradually improving the material and spiritual lives of the local people.

Reported by Thoai Phuong-Xuan Dieu-Translated by Kim Tin

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