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PM chairs ceremony marking 75th anniversary of National Day

Update: 29-08-2020 | 08:16:15

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and his spouse chaired a ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of Vietnam's National Day (September 2) in Hanoi on August 28.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc speaks at the ceremony

Present at the ceremony were Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, Permanent member of the Party Central Committee's Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong, Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Tran Thanh Man, among others.

Palestinian Ambassador to Vietnam Saadi Salama, head of the diplomatic corps, foreign ambassadors, charges d'affaires and heads of international organisations in Hanoi also attended the event.

Speaking at the ceremony, PM Phuc said over the past 75 years, Vietnam has reaped a range of important achievements with high economic growth, improved living conditions of people, maintained socio-political stability, ensured defence and security, expanded external relations, active and responsible contributions to peace and cooperation in the region and the world.

These great and historical achievements proved the strong spirit and will of the Vietnamese nation and affirmed its role as a reliable friend and partner of the international community, he said.

The PM said United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also lauded Vietnam’s contributions since its admission in 1977, saying that the 75th anniversary of National Day of Vietnam is concurrent with its ASEAN Chairmanship Year and non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council, proving its increasingly strong presence on the international arena.

PM Phuc took this occasion to express his wish to continue receiving invaluable support and effective cooperation from the international community.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam’s economic growth neared 2 percent in the first half of 2020 while trade surplus reached around 11 billion USD. According to the Economist’s financial health rankings in May, Vietnam ranked 12th out of 66 emerging economies in terms of strong financial system, he said.

The Vietnamese Government is determined to restructure the economy sustainably and switch to a digital economy, with the public satisfaction as an effective measurement, PM Phuc added.

Amid the complicated developments of the pandemic, Vietnam has stepped up diplomatic activities and donated medical supplies to 40 countries and organisations. Since February 2020, 30 teleconferences and phone talks were held between top leaders of Vietnam and foreign countries and international organisations, he said.

The PM called for joint efforts to make globalisation more sustainable, humanitarian and safer in the near future, as well as reforming multilateral mechanisms in a more effective manner.

He also called on countries to work closely together to fight COVID-19 more effectively, cope with other epidemics in the future, and stay alert against non-traditional security risks such as pollution, climate change and natural disasters.

The leader once again affirmed Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, diversification and multilateralisation of external relations, active and proactive global integration; being a friend and responsible member of the international community, promoting cooperation with countries on the basis of respect for independence, sovereignty, equality and mutual benefits, settling differences via peaceful measures in line with international law.

He also expressed his belief in a bright future of Vietnam and countries in the international community.

Palestinian Ambassador to Vietnam Saadi Salama, head of the diplomatic corps, highly evaluated Vietnam's contributions in its capacity as Chair of ASEAN in 2020 and non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure.

The Ambassador also affirmed the willingness and determination to further develop friendship and multifaceted coordination between Vietnam and countries and organisations for a world of peace, equality, prosperity, cooperation and development./.


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