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Preserving and promoting tradition of "Venerating teachers, respecting morals”

Update: 20-11-2023 | 11:16:23

"Venerating teachers, respecting morals” is a precious tradition of our nation, always preserved and promoted by the people and generations of students. Every year, Vietnam Teachers' Day, November 20 is not only an opportunity for the education and training sector to honor teachers, but also an opportunity for students and the whole society to be grateful to those who have got involved in the noble career of "cultivating people".

Noble and sacred profession

During his lifetime, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong said: "Teaching is the noblest and most creative profession because it has created creative people". Teaching is a special profession because this is the profession that makes intellectual products and personality of a person. Since the old days, teaching has been considered as a sacred and noble symbol. For that nobility, many teachers have overcome difficulties and devoted their entire lives to the cause of "cultivating people". Many teachers have become shining examples, being praised and rewarded by all-level authorities and sectors.

Leaders of provincial People's Committee and Department of Education-Training awarded the title "Excellent Labor Collective" to collectives at the get-together to celebrate the 41st anniversary of Vietnamese Teachers' Day, November 11

We went to Uyen Hung primary school in Tan Uyen city on the days approaching the celebration of Vietnamese Teachers' Day (November 20). Joy seemed to be present on the faces of all teachers and students in the school when Tran Thi Thuy Hong, the school's teacher has just been honored by the Ministry of Education and Training as "Outstanding Teacher" in 2023 and considered by the State for the noble title "Meritorious Teacher". When talking about Mrs. Hong, the school's teachers, students and parents have great affection for her. With more than 20 years in the profession, Mrs. Hong is not only good at professional knowledge, but also one of the exemplary, responsible and dedicated teachers.

Talking to us, Mrs. Hong said: This award is my joy and pride when my efforts have been recognized. During more than 20 years of working with the profession, students. Love and eagerness in learning have motivated me to overcome all difficulties and continued devoting myself to the cause of "cultivating people".

Over the past years, tens of thousands of teachers in the province worked hard day and night to create the generations of students who were bright in morality and knowledgeable in intelligence... In recent years, Binh Duong’s education is always at the top position in the country, affirming its position on the national education map. That credit is always associated with a contingent of dedicated and enthusiastic teachers. The great achievements done by the province's education and training sector are the inheritance and promotion of good results of previous generations.

Nguyen Thi Hong Gam, a teacher of Phuoc Hoa Kindergarten in Phu Giao district shared: "I am very honored and proud to be one of the young teachers continuing the tradition and expectations of previous teachers on the journey of "cultivating people". I promise to constantly try to study, practice and promote qualities, ethics and sense of responsibility to well perform my duties and continue writing achievements for the local education".

Paying tribute to boatmen

Teachers are the ones who have imparted knowledge and life experience to people from the time they first enter life until adulthood... These days, together with the whole country, generations of students in Binh Duong have sent their best wishes and fresh flowers to teachers, expressing their deep gratitude to those who have taught them.

Over the past years, tens of thousands of teachers in the province devoted their lives day and night to creating a generation of good students. In picture: A class of teachers and students at Uyen Hung primary school in Tan Uyen city

Nguyen Pham Thu Phuong, a student of class 9N2 at Tran Dai Nghia secondary school in Thuan An city shared: "From the care and concern of the teachers, we have become more and more mature. Paying tribute to teachers, we promise to further strive to study and practice to achieve high academic achievements. That is our most meaningful gift for teachers".

At the get-together to celebrate the 41st anniversary of Vietnamese Teachers' Day recently organized by provincial People's Committee, Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee said: "On behalf of provincial leaders, I would like to respectfully acknowledge, pay deep tribute to the generations of officials and teachers of the province's education and training sector. I hope all teachers will always be healthy to continue steering the boat of knowledge to guide the generations of students to be passionate about research, study, perfecting their personalities and becoming useful global citizens for the society".

Uncle Ho's teachings "No matter how difficult it is, we must further emulate in good teaching and good learning" has become the luggage, goal and task for the local teaching staff to always strive to overcome difficulties, being dedicated and devoted to his career. The process of national renewal requires teachers to constantly strive to learn, acquire and apply science and technology in teaching to train future generations of owners of a country with good morality and professional knowledge. Hopefully, today's generation will further promote traditions, constantly study, improve professional qualifications and innovate methods to better perform the task of education and training in the new era.

Over the past years, tens of thousands of teachers in the province worked hard day and night to create the generations of students who were bright in morality and knowledgeable in intelligence... In recent years, Binh Duong’s education is always at the top position in the country, affirming its position on the national education map. That credit is always associated with a contingent of dedicated and enthusiastic teachers. The great achievements done by the province's education and training sector are the inheritance and promotion of good results of previous generations.

Reported by Hong Phuong-Khac Thinh-Translated by Kim Tin

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