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Press contributions to national development highlighted

Update: 01-02-2012 | 00:00:00

Journalists have enhanced their political role in reflecting the country’s actual situation, joining hands with the people to gain significant socio-economic achievements last year.

 Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee (PCC) Dinh The Huynh made this statement in Hanoi on January 31 at the first meeting of the national media in the New Year.

 In his speech, Mr Huynh extended best New Year wishes to journalists and media agencies throughout the country on behalf of the Politburo and the PCC Secretariat, and called on them to carry out their political tasks of disseminating information about Party resolutions and documents, and internal and external affairs to reaffirm public confidence and promote a new vitality in the Year of the Dragon.

 Ministry of Information and Communication leaders said that all the 2012 spring newspapers captured the atmosphere of welcoming the lunar New Year Festival (Tet) through their articles on the beauty and culture in all parts of the country, as well as the ”Studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example” and “Vietnamese people use Vietnamese goods” campaigns.

 The Ministry of Information and Communication asked media agencies this year to focus on disseminating information on the 82nd anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the implementation of the fourth PCC conference resolution, in addition to National Traffic Safety Year 2012 and the country’s traditional festivals.


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