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Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh: Binh Duong needs to focus on the motto of taking communes, wards as "fortresses", people as "soldiers" in Covid-19 fight

Update: 28-08-2021 | 13:04:21

On August 27, a delegation of the Government led by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh had a working session with Binh Duong province on the local Covid-19 prevention and control. Nguyen Van Loi, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation; Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee; Vo Van Minh, Vice- Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee together with leaders of a number of relavant departments and sectors in the province received the delegation.

Enhancing safety among people, not letting any people go hungry

Reporting to the Prime Minister and the delegation, Mr. Minh said that Binh Duong province has basically controlled the spread of Covid-19 pandemic in the community. With the establishment of "red zones" and implementation of "locking, freezing” around the clock for 15 localities in 3 "red zones", including Thuan An city, Di An city and Tan Uyen town, the province has gradually controlled the pandemic.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the meeting

The province's direction is to quickly "separate" F0 cases from the community, limiting the number of F0 cases and minimizing deaths. For places that have been tested and screened, they must be locked down, controlling people entering and leaving. The province has also implemented a 3-level treatment model to reduce overload at provincial-level treatment facilities. Currently, the province has 24 Covid-19 treatment areas with 18,927 beds, currently providing treatment for 16,349 patients. Along with the support of the Government, the province has stepped up the procurement and use of Covid-19 specific drugs at the local needs of patient treatment. The province has so far logged 86,050 cases of Covid-19 infection in the community in all 9 districts, towns and cities and 47,800 patients have recovered from the pandemic.

Binh Duong has also estimated State budget expenditure of VND 6 trillion in the plan of having 20,000 F0 cases. However, with the number of F0 cases increasing continuously, the province has proposed the Government to consider increasing State budget for the local Covid-19 prevention and control. The province forecasts that in the coming days, the number of F0 cases in the province is likely to reach 150,000. The province has also actively set up scenarios for collection and treatment of 150,000 cases in the “4 on-site” spirit, in which there are many adjustment plans for collection and treatment to be close to the actual situation and conditions in terms of material facilities as well as human resources, especially medical staff that are under serious shortage…

To prepare for the scenario of 150,000 F0 cases when the province focuses on large-scale testing for the third time in the "red zones", Mr. Minh proposed the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health to consider and strengthen medical staff at the local needs of collection and treatment for Covid-19 patients in the near future. In addition, the province also proposed to the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health to further allocate more vaccines to people and workers in the "red zones" as well as supporting more drugs to treat Covid-19 patients.

Focusing on performing 4 key tasks

Speaking at the meeting, the Prime Minister acknowledged the efforts by the entire political system of Binh Duong province and praised the support of the business community and people. According to him, the province's greatest success is the rapid recovery of asymptomatic F0 cases while cases on the 1st and 2nd floors are stable with few severe changes.

Facing the complicated developments of Covid-19 pandemic, the province has implemented many synchronous solutions under the direction of the Government and the Prime Minister with the motto of taking communes, wards and towns as "fortresses", people as "soldiers" in the fight against the pandemic. The Prime Minister also agreed with the province's approach when converting all temporary isolation facilities into mobile medical stations to serve and increase oxygen supply and equipment for treatment right from the first floor, reducing treatment pressure for the 2nd and 3rd floors.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the province should focus on implementing the motto of taking communes, wards, towns and factories as "fortresses", the people as "soldiers", and overcoming the pandemic as the people's victory. Accordingly, he asked for Binh Duong to bend on implementing four key tasks in the coming time, including propagandizing and mobilizing the people to strictly implement social distancing so that they know that this is their responsibility, obligation and right; ensuring social welfare, providing enough food and foodstuffs for people to feel secure in the implementation of "stay where they are"; having good preparation in terms of medical conditions at people’s needs when necessary; maintaining security and order during the period of social distancing.

For testing work, the Prime Minister requested that it must be done quickly, promptly, scientifically, safely and effectively. The province needs to classify F0 cases for timely care and treatment at the treatment floors, reducing overload on the upper floors and decreasing the mortality rate; research a plan on removal of people in the "red zones"; arrange food areas to meet people's needs when implementing social distancing; strengthen the application of information technology. Communes and wards urgently need to establish steering boards for Covid-19 prevention and control, which must be regularly inspected by leaders of the province and districts. The province needs to set up a specific scenario to prepare human resources and material facilities at the collection and treatment of F0 cases.

On behalf of provincial leaders, Mr. Loi said the province will focus the whole political system on achieving the goal of bringing Binh Duong back to the "new normal" state no later than September 15 while controlling the pandemic, recovering and developing the economy. He also wanted that the province will further receive the attention and support of the Government, ministries and central sectors so that Binh Duong can achieve the best results in Covid-19 prevention and control; help the province quickly control the pandemic, meeting the people's expectations.

The province has focused on rapidly implementing policies on social welfare in the spirit of not letting any people suffer from hunger, lack of food or clothing. Up to now, the province has supported 234,526 cases under the the Government’s Resolution No. 68 with more than VND 357 billion; supported accommodation rent of  more than VND 287 billion for nearly 1 million workers with the level of VND300,000 per person; supported more than 964,000 people with food or gifts worth VND 500,000 each with a total amount of VND 482 billion. So far, the province has spent more than VND 1.12 trillion on supporting more than 2.1 million cases affected by Covid-19 pandemic.

Reported by Minh Duy-Translated by Kim Tin

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