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Procedures prepared for military service recruitment in 2014

Update: 05-12-2013 | 00:00:00
Di An Town Military Service Council just had a meeting to implement procedures for military service recruitment in 2014. Accordingly, from now to the lunar New Year of 2014, Di An Town Military Service Council, local Vietnamese Fatherland Front Committee, and unions shall intensify information dissemination on military service laws and calling for youngster to participate in 3-way election and 4-aspect transparency procedures. Meantime, favorable policies and decisions of the Party and the State after military service for the participants shall be wider. Local source for military service shall be higher to ensure qualifications of the soldiers-to-be.For the year, Di An Town has summoned 851 youngsters to health-checking for military service. Of the summoned, 271 have been qualified for recruitment.Reported by T.Anh - Q.Dung – Translated by Vi Bao
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