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Program of stabilizing prices of textbooks and learning tools contributes to ensuring social welfare

Update: 27-05-2013 | 00:00:00

The domestic market for textbooks and learning tools for the new school year 2013-2014 has officially started. This year, Binh Duong has continued implementing a program of stabilizing prices of text books and learning tools with the selling prices that are 10%-15% lower than market prices.

Provincial Department of Industry and Trade, provincial Department of Education and Training, relevant sectors, the People’s Committees at all levels together with two enterprises, namely Book-Educational Equipment Joint Stock Company and Binh Duong General Culture Joint Stock Company last year co-organized a program of stabilizing prices of text books and learning tools at province-based bookstores and schools. 

Parents, pupils selecting textbooks at a bookstore under Book and Educational Equipment Join Stock Company

This year, the two companies will further join this program with the selling prices that are 10%-15% lower than market prices. They have prepared enough commodities for the program with distribution system to be implemented at 75 outlets across the province. Total value of commodities for the program from April to October 31 is estimated at VND27.74bln. They will be provided VND14bln in preferential loans from the province to participate in the program.

Since early May, Binh Duong bookstore under Binh Duong General Culture Joint Stock Company has announced its price stabilization program for the new school year 2013-2014. Many parents have taken advantage of this chance to buy textbooks and learning tools for their offspring.

All bookcases at the bookstore are filled with enough textbooks designed for pupils at all levels. Many schools have rushed to the bookstore to buy textbooks, notebooks and learning tools as awards for outstanding pupils in the 2012-2013 school year. This has made the bookstore get more animated.

These days, Book-Educational Equipment Joint Stock Company has also got very animatedly with the price stabilization program for the new school year 2013-2014. According to company director Tran Chi Hieu, the company has prepared 2.7 million textbooks and reference books for the new school year. Under the program, the company will organize 64 outlets at schools across the province, creating favorable conditions for the local pupils to get access to various textbooks and reference books at reasonable prices.

The program of stabilizing prices of textbooks and learning tools bears a great social significance, contributing to curbing inflation, maintaining economic growth and ensuring social welfare. With this significance, in addition to the two above mentioned-companies, Binh Minh bookstore, Lai Thieu bookstore together with many other bookstores under Fahasa have also applied the prize stabilization program on products for the new school year…

Reported by H.Thai-Translated by K.T

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