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Promise from youth volunteer works

Update: 06-03-2019 | 14:47:36

2019 is the second year of the implementation of the Resolution of Youth Union congresses at all levels, provincial Youth Unions at all levels will continue improving the effectiveness of youth volunteer movements. The renewal of ways to organize volunteer activities will be also concretized by significant and practical deeds.

Defining targets

In 2019, provincial Youth Union Standing Committee has been proactive to set up specific plans on Youth Union task and teenagers-children’s movements with the theme of “Youth volunteer year”. Accordingly, provincial Youth Unions at all levels will focus on organizing many activities to uphold youths’ volunteer spirit and creativeness; make favorable conditions for teenagers and children to play, study and improve their social practice skills.

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Xuan, Secretary of provincial Youth Union said that under the year’s plan, each Youth Union branch will implement at least one district-level youth work in association with socio-economic development in each locality and unit. All Youth Union branches at commune/ward and township levels will build and uphold the effectiveness of main forces; carry out youth works in civilized urban, new-style rural construction; offer help to children with difficult circumstances…

Being concretized by works

In 2019, provincial Youth Unions at all levels will also donate at least 20 houses of compassion to youths and children with difficult circumstances. Provincial Youth Union will carry out a youth work on “Remembering Uncle Ho makes our heart purer” on the 50th anniversary of the implementation of President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament; compose and issue 1,000 historical books on provincial Youth Union for the period of 1976-2017…In addition, provincial Youth Union Standing Committee will visit, present gifts to child patients being treated at province-based health facilities, workers’ offspring with difficult circumstances; fund the organization of 20 programs for Youth Union branches in needy quarters and hamlets.

With the theme of “Youths are volunteer, get involved in creative business startup and smart city building”, Di An town’s Youth Union has put forward practical deeds, works. Particularly, the town’s Youth Union will offer 2 houses of compassion, 2 “dream” rooms to young workers and children with difficult circumstances; donate 7 mobile loudspeakers to the Youth Union branches of quarters; build recreational areas for children; carry out an “urban light” work…The local Youth Union branches have also registered to realize youth works for the sake of the community.

Nguyen Le Huu Bao, Secretary of Tan Uyen town’s Youth Union said that this year, the town’s Youth Union will strive to mobilize organizations and individuals to award 50 scholarships to children with difficult circumstances, 2 houses of compassion and 1 “dream” room to young workers. Whilst, North Tan Uyen district’s Youth Union will offer 30 “green dream” scholarships worth VND1million each to poor-but-excellent pupils; hand over 2 recreational areas worth VND10million to children. The town’s Youth Union will also construct 2 houses of compassion, upgrade at least 3 charity and gratitude houses; carry out 3 “model youth canal” works in Lac An, Thuong Tan, Tan My communes and 5 “youths following Uncle Ho’s teachings” flower garden works…

Reported by K.Tuyen-Translated by K.T


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