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Promoting tradition on study and talent promotion

Update: 28-05-2013 | 00:00:00
Today, the provincial study promotion society holds a conference to applause typical study-loving families and study promotion community for the period of 2008-2012. Fondness of learning is the national tradition and is promoted to build a studying society.   Techcombank grants scholarships to excellent-but-poor students.Expanding movementsRight after the first congress held in June 2003, the provincial study promotion society initiated a registration on study-loving family across the province. This movement has been expanded and become a wide emulation movement. Nguyen Xuan Vinh, chairman of the provincial study promotion society said that as a socio-politic organization, the society disseminates people necessity of constructing a studying society and guides people to register to be study-loving families. Possibly speaking, the movement has won support of the entire society. Annually, the society receives numerous donations from donors. From this donations, countless scholarships have been granted to excellent-but-poor students. This good deed has spurred to develop a movement of building study-loving family and study promotion community.Until now, the entire province has over 45,000 households recognized as study-loving families. This proves that fondness of learning is a nuclear of study promotion movement in the locality. Typical examplesAmong study-loving families, many families have difficult circumstances but remain fostering will of fondness of learning for children. Dang Cuong Son's family in Tan Uyen district is one typical study-loving families in the province. His family has lived on farming and his 3 children have graduated from universities. Meanwhile, Huong Duong center for orphans and disabled people in My Phuoc township, Ben Cat district has helped 71 students. The center has helped orphans and disabled people pursue study to change their circumstance. Kinh Nhuong church in Phu Giao district won the title of study promotion community for the period of 2008-2012. Annually, the church mobilizes funds to socialize education by building and repairing material facilities for schools as well as by granting scholarships to excellent-but-poor students.In the coming time, to develop the movement of study-loving family, study promotion community, it is essential to combine the movement with construction of a studying society, meeting local industrialization and modernization. Reported by H.Thai - Translated by A.C
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