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Protection of consumers’ rights

Update: 10-07-2013 | 00:00:00
Since January 2013, Consumer’s Rights Protection Association has received 15 feedbacks and 13 complaints of consumers. The association has forwarded complaints to businesses, authorities for examination and addressing; simultaneously mediated some cases. The association in collaboration with related agencies has examined and found 2,825/5,771 violations of forbidden goods, counterfeit goods, industrial property, commercial fraud; settled 2,804 cases and collected over VND170.8 bln; destroyed 200 tons of animal feed, above 5 tons of cattle feed, 3,163 poultry and 1,200 eggs… having unknown origins.In general, since Laws of Consumer’s rights protection took its effect, the quantity of counterfeit, low-quality goods has decreased, the market is steadier, goods are ensured in terms of quality, package…, rights of consumers are guaranteed; notably consumer’s complaints have been taken into consider and handled. Reported by Xuan Lac – Translated by Ngoc Huynh
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