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Province actively takes solutions, ensuring completion of 2019 plan

Update: 28-02-2019 | 12:19:15

Early February 27, Tran Thanh Liem, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People’s Committee presided over a periodic session of February, 2019 with focus on reviewing socio-economic development, national defence-security in February, 2019 and implementing major tasks in the coming time. The event was attended by Mai Hung Dung, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice-Chairman of provincial People’s Committee; Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Vice-Chairwoman of provincial People’s Council together with representatives of sectors and departments in the province.

Fields with high growth

The province’s index of industrial production (IIP) in the first two months of 2019 surged 6.1% compared to the same period last year. Of these, processing-manufacturing industry grew by 6.1%; production, distribution of power by 9.4%; water supply, sewage and waste water treatment, by 7.8% while mining decreased by 3%...

Production of a company in the South Tan Uyen industrial park

In terms of trade-services, the province well realized a plan on stockpiling goods for the Tet (Lunar New Year) festival 2019 with a total value of nearly VND1.26trillon, up 66.3% against the Tet festival 2018. Many promotional programs were also implemented, stimulating people’s demand for shopping. The province has also paid attention to supplying goods for people in the rural region.

The province’s total retail sales revenue of commodities and services in February was more than VND19.07trillion. The figure in the first two months of the year was more than VND38.56trillion, up 12.1% against the corresponding period. The province’s consumer price index (CPI) over the past two months surged 2.27% compared to the same period last year…

In February, the province’s export value was estimated at more than VND1.47billion, down 39.5% compared to the previous month and up 13.8% against the same period last year. The province’s import value was estimated at more than US$1.38billion, up 34.2% compared to the same period last year. In the first two months of the year, the province’s trade surplus was more than US$1billion.

The province’s field of natural resources and environment also reached positive changes. The province carried out a task of assigning and leasing land outside industrial parks for 26 projects with 130 hectares; continued removing difficulties in compensation and site clearance; rechecked and petitioned queries in the process of realizing the Law on Land to central agencies…

Effectively realizing the Government’s instructions in early year

One of the province’s bright spots in socio-economic development in February, 2019 was investment attraction. Accordingly, the province in February absorbed VND4.46trillion in domestic investment capital. The figure in the first two months of the year was more than VND6.67trillion. Also in February, the province lured US$238million in FDI capital and the figure over the past two months was US$383million, up 2% compared to the same period last year or 27.4% of the year’s plan.

In February, provincial People’s Committee coordinated with the Ministry of Planning and Investment successfully organized a conference on institutional and policy consultancy on FDI in the new context, which was presided over by Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue. At the conference, provincial People’s Committee handed over 5 investment projects with total registered capital of US$180million.

The province also took good care of poor people and policy beneficiaries on the occasion of the Tet festival 2019. The whole province mobilized VND499.5billion from many resources to give Tet care for officials, civil servants, armed forces and social policy beneficiaries.

Reportedly, province-based enterprises sufficiently paid salaries of January 1, 2019 for laborers with the average Tet bonus level of one month’s salary at VND6.1million and VND7.6million per person. There were 150,000 immigrant workers staying in the province for Tet or 15% of total…As of February 18, nearly 100% of province-based enterprises resumed their operation and 96.7% of laborers came back to work.

The province also paid attention to organizing activities in celebration of the Party and Lunar New Year 2019 at people’s demand for entertainment. In addition, province-based tourist sites designed many attractive programs for tourists with stable price and high quality. The province well ensured the organization of festivals and religious activities at relic sites, especially the Thien Hau Lady temple festival 2019…

Speaking at the session, Mr.Liem emphasized that the province will continue implementing provincial People’s Committee’s plans on the implementation of the Government’s Resolutions No.1 and No.2/NQ-CP; help enterprises solve their difficulties; ensure supply of power at people’s demand for production and business. Provincial People’s Committee will also instruct relevant units to hasten the progress of upgrading streets; strengthen irrigation work, ensuring water supply for agricultural production; prevent forest fire and epidemic diseases in poultry and cattle, especially African swine fever. Besides, the province will remove queries in land management and use; well implement State budget estimates and plan on public investment capital for 2019; hasten the progress of carrying out procedures on investment, site clearance and public investment capital disbursement…

Reported by Khanh Vinh-Translated by K.T

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