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Province chairman visits Phu An bamboo village

Update: 30-03-2011 | 00:00:00

The provincial People’s Committee chairman Le Thanh Cung jus paid a visit to Phu An bamboo village, a work under the cooperation of Binh Duong Province, France’s Rhone Alpes Region, the Pilat Natural Park of France and Ho Chi Minh City’s University of Natural Sciences.


The provincial People’s Committee chairman Le Thanh Cung (second from right) visits Phu An bamboo village.

Doctor Diep Thi My Hanh – the author of this work talked about difficulties of scientific research and operation of the bamboo village to the chairman. She added that early April, 2011, director of UNESCO in Vietnam will visit the village to grant Equator Prize to the work’s author.

With the shortage of area of cultivating saplings and planting bamboo trees, the chairman steered Ben Cat district People’s Committee to set out measures to improve the obstacles.

In addition, he agreed on developing Phu An bamboo eco-village into Indochina Center for Bamboo Research for the purpose of research, teaching, training, tourism and environmental protection.

Reported by D.Chi – Translated by A.C

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