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Province ensures all students get to school

Update: 08-08-2023 | 11:19:55

On August 7, Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee, Head of Provincial National Assembly Delegation, worked with Standing Board of Thu Dau City Party Committee about the preparation for the new school year, education and medical planning, urban upgrading of the city. The delegation also had the participation of Nguyen Loc Ha, Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee; representatives of relevant departments, agencies and branches of the province.

Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee, Head of Provincial National Assembly Delegation; and members of the provincial delegation inspect the preparation for the new school year 2023-2024 at Dinh Hoa 2 Primary School (Thu Dau Mot City).

Increase more than 1,400 first grade students

Regarding the preparation for the 2023-2024 school year, Nguyen Thu Cuc, Chairwoman of Thu Dau Mot City People's Committee, informed that in the new school year, the total number of public schools in the city is 58 schools, an increase of 1 school compared to the school year 2022-2023. It is forecast that the number of students graduating from kindergarten to junior high school is nearly 75,600 students, of which the number of new students enrolled in public preschool and grades 1 and 6 is nearly 19,600 students/547 classes, an increase of 28 classes with 1,839 students compared to the previous year. In which, students of grade 1 increased by 12 classes with 360 students compared to the previous year and students enrolled in grade 6 increased by 16 classes with 1,062 students.

During the summer, the city directed to urgently execute the repair and construction of 11 school projects. In addition, to prepare for the new school year, the city approved of a number of schools doing small repairs to prepare for the opening of the new school year. In the coming time, the city will continue to invest in material and technical facilities, teaching equipment, recruit teachers to ensure the quantity, meet the requirements and progress of the educational renovation program.

At the same time, the city will also develop a digital transformation program in education; focus on directing and fostering professional skills, methods of organizing child care and education activities for teachers of non-public preschools. In 2021-2030 period, the city will not build or establish new public preschools and prioritize the development of private preschools in densely populated areas, industrial zones.

Towards smart schools

Currently, the city has a total land area  of 166 ha for education and training institutions. The total number of pre-schools, primary and junior high schools in the city is 108 schools and 63 private child care groups. The whole education sector of the city currently has 48/58 public schools reaching national standards, reaching a rate of over 82%; and 41/58 schools were recognized as meeting educational quality standards, reaching a rate of nearly 71%; 4/5 public high schools meet national standards. It is expected that by 2030, the number of students would continue to increase, thus requiring the city to invest in a school system to meet the demand.

Nguyen Van Loi (center), Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Head of Provincial National Assembly Delegation, visits and works with Ngo Thoi Nhiem kindergarten, primary school, junior high school and high school.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Loi asked leaders of Thu Dau Mot City to regularly monitor the number of students at all levels and the increase number of students in the 2023-2024 school year to find a solution. The Provincial Party Secretary stressed that do not let poor students not go to school because of difficulties; create the most favorable conditions for all students to go to school.

Regarding the planning of education training branch, he also asked the city to calculate the demand for school building by 2030 to have an appropriate investment solution; focus on renovating old schools and building new schools. In particular, the new school system must meet the development trend of smart schools. The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee requested to allocate enough land fund for education and public health care, but at the same time, it must be used economically and effectively.

Besides, Mr. Loi noticed the socialization in education training branch of Thu Dau Mot City in particular and the whole province in general. In fact, the non-public school system has operated very effectively, thereby contributing to both improving education quality and sharing the investment pressure with the province. In the immediate future, the city and education sector need to study and pilot the building of smart and happy schools. At the same time, it is necessary to continue studying the operation models of non-public schools to apply in places meeting conditions to improve the effectiveness of management as well as educational quality in the coming time. 

Previously, Mr. Loi visited and examined the preparation for the new school year at Dinh Hoa 2 Primary School. This is a completely new investment school and put into use from the school year 2023-2024. Next, as visiting Ngo Thoi Nhiem preschool, primary school, junior high school, and high school, Mr. Loi appreciated the school's operating model and educational quality in recent years. He wished that the school's leaders would continue to build the Ngo Thoi Nhiem school system in other localities of the province, contributing to the educational cause of the province in the coming time.

At the meeting with Thu Dau Mot City Party Standing Committee, Mr. Loi appreciated the efforts to overcome difficulties as well as the quite comprehensively results achieved in all fields of the city. The Provincial Party Secretary hopes that the Party Committee, government and people of the city would continue to develop the results achieved, and at the same time focus on building a more developing city, a green, smart and worth-living city.

To achieve that goal, he requested that the city firstly continue to effectively carry out urban upgrading and new investment in infrastructure; actively mobilize people to participate in emulation movements, implementation of the motto "The State and the people work together"; be more active and proactive in preserving environmental sanitation such as garbage collection, clearing and cleaning of canal system; increasing the percentage of trees in the city...

Reported by Tri Dung - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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