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Province finds solutions to improve provincial competitiveness

Update: 04-11-2023 | 13:36:19

As a dynamic locality with a developing economy contributing a lot to the national budget, however Binh Duong's Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) has been on a downward trend in recent times. As being determined to upgrade and return to the Top 10 PCI nationwide, Binh Duong incorporates administrative procedure reform with digital transformation to form a fundamental, long-term solution that needs to be implemented resolutely.

Delegates of business sector comment on solutions to improve and enhance the PCI at a workshop recently held by the province.

 Remove bottlenecks

According to the results announced by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), Binh Duong PCI in 2022 reached 65.13 points (down 4.48 points), ranked 36/63 provinces and cities nationwide, which is a decrease of up to 30 places compared to 2021. Only 1 index increased (accounting for 10% of the weight) and 9 indexes decreased (accounted for 90% of the weight). Trinh Hoang Tuan Anh, Deputy Director of Provincial Department of Planning and Investment, said that this assessment result clearly reflects that, in addition to the strengths of its industrial infrastructure, which ranks third in the country, the province still has many limitations in its attitudes, moves and efforts for business support.

From the perspective of businesses, Phan Tan Dat, Chairman of Binh Duong Minerals and Construction Joint Stock Company, representative of Provincial Young Entrepreneur Association, shared that the province has done very well with policies to support businesses in recent times. However, in the coming time, Binh Duong needs to simplify administrative procedures, enhance investment promotion and trade connections, and assist businesses in issues related to technological innovation and digital transformation. Furthermore, the province needs to improve the labor training index, improve labor quality as well as solve social issues for workers to settle down and have a happy career.

Nguyen Ngoc Son, Director of Ngoc Son Python - Crocodile Investment Trading Joint Stock Company, Vice Chairman of Provincial Leather and Footwear Association, also said that businesses hope the government would continue to reform administrative procedures by decentralizing power for officers in performing their duties. If facilitated, not only businesses but also the province will benefit. The bottleneck that exists and is most difficult to solve today is the interconnectivity and interdisciplinary nature in solving document problems for businesses.

In fact, the number of businesses in Binh Duong is much larger than in other localities. Therefore, the amount of work is large, new tasks often arise unexpectedly in addition to the tasks assigned according to the law; and the number of documents that must be resolved during the day is large. Specifically, on average, a main processing staff must receive 76.5 documents/day. From May 2022 to March 27, 2023, the number of documents processed outside working hours was 15,936.

Tuan Anh said that with the number of officers assigned to single-window departments, it is difficult to perform professional work and tasks well. This puts great pressure on business registration, and affects business satisfaction, affecting the province's PCI component indexes.

Create a favorable business investment environment

According to statistics, it is estimated that in the first 10 months of 2023, Binh Duong attracted 5,399 newly registered enterprises with a registered capital of 71,443 billion VND, bringing the total number of enterprises in the province to 64,631 enterprises, total capital of 702,000 billion VND.

Dau Anh Tuan, Deputy Secretary General, Head of the VCCI Legal Department, PCI Project Director, said that as someone who has been monitoring activities related to Binh Duong's PCI for many years, it can be seen that the province's PCI has not been commensurate with its position, potential and determination of provincial governments at all levels. Binh Duong's determination to improve PCI clearly demonstrates awareness and proactive action to support businesses in a timely and practical manner. However, Binh Duong is an area with a large number of businesses, so the workload is heavier than other localities. Therefore, Binh Duong needs to focus on thoroughly applying information technology to quickly resolve administrative procedures.

Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, said that Binh Duong determined the PCI as a measure to build a healthy business environment for the business community, creating a premise for Binh Duong to develop sustainably. The province will continue to strengthen dialogue with businesses, from which there will be clear and consistent policies to overcome difficulties; focus on the role and voice of the community and business associations in the process of planning and monitoring the implementation of provincial policies. Besides, to maintain and innovate the content of meetings, contacts, and dialogues with investors and businesses to remove difficulties encountered in the process of investment, production, and business in the province.

Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee: In the increasingly vibrant economic integration context, the PCI improvement of localities nationwide are very rapid, hence Binh Duong puts in even more effort and determination. With the progressive and well listening attitude, provincial leaders absorb and appreciate all opinions of businesses and experts. Binh Duong resolutely improves the local investment environment, improves the PCI, and commits to creating the most favorable conditions for businesses in the province to overcome difficulties and feel secure in production and business.

Dau Anh Tuan, Deputy General Secretary, Head of VCCI Legal Department, PCI Project Director: The PCI index shows the strength and efficiency of operating and serving businesses in a province or city. Improving PCI means making businesses and investors satisfied. To do this, Binh Duong needs to focus on the problems facing businesses. That is to resolve administrative procedures faster, civil servants must have the spirit of proactively supporting businesses and investors, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

 Reported by Ngoc Thanh - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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