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Province implements synchronous solutions to limit occupational accidents

Update: 15-05-2024 | 10:51:04

During this Workers' Month, many enterprises in the province participated in the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding on the implementation of occupational safety and hygiene (OSH) at enterprises; strengthened measures to prevent occupational accidents in the most effective way. Some enterprises presented typical accidents, analyzed the causes of accidents, and propagated through images to help workers increase their vigilance.

Trade unions at all levels in the province witness dozens of enterprises in the Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park participating in the memorandum signing ceremony on good implementation of OSH during Workers' Month.

One minute of carelessness, unpredictable consequences

Recently, during the launching ceremony of Workers' Month 2024, the Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park Trade Union gave 51 gifts to workers who unfortunately suffered occupational accidents, serious injuries, and commended many businesses for doing good job of preventing and combating occupational accidents. Dozens of businesses also participated in the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding on good implementation of OSH work to disseminate information, improve prevention, and minimize the occurrence of occupational accidents...

A number of typical occupational accident cases showed that during production activities, with just one minute of carelessness of an employee, who performed actions that are not in accordance with professional expertise, an accident can happen at any time. From 2019 until now, every day Vo Trung Tinh (born in Dong Thap province), an employee of Vietnam ONAMBA Company (Thu Dau Mot City) has had to go to work on crutches, making it very difficult to walk. Previously, he worked in the warehouse management department. After the accident and losing one leg, due to poor health, he received another opportunity by the company to move to administrative department. However, the occupational accident more than 5 years ago made his life much more difficult.

Tinh said, it was at the end of September 2019, when he was sitting and recording the records of imports into the warehouse, a colleague who was not skilled in driving a forklift suddenly climbed into the operating vehicle. Because of his colleague's careless actions and lack of awareness, the forklift rushed to force Tinh into the wall, causing a serious accident. Although luckily, he did not lose his life, the accident made Tinh disabled all his life, leaving a burden on his family and losing the good future.

For Nguyen Thanh Dien (from An Giang province), a worker of Box - Pak Vietnam Company (Thuan An City), because he helped his colleagues repair machines during the production process, he lost his legs when he was still very young. Dien said: “If I could give you advice, I would advise all workers to be very careful in all activities, strictly complying with the criteria to ensure OSH while working. At the same time, workers must work in accordance with their assigned expertise and skills." Dien said that about 5 years ago, during the production process, his colleague's machine had a problem. Instead of reporting to the technical team for repairs, he came to help his friend but his legs were crushed by the machine's crank.

After this serious accident, the company created conditions for Dien to take a print design class, then transfer to the design team to suit his health condition and ensure his income. However, for a young boy like Dien, many bright plans ahead have almost come to an end. Without legs, Dien's life is much more difficult...

Comply with measures to ensure OSH

In recent years, as enhancing propaganda, strengthening inspection, and strictly implementing measures to ensure OSH by departments, branches and all levels, most businesses in the province strictly comply with OSH regulations. For example, at East West Industries Vietnam Company (Thu Dau Mot City), where there are always 1,000 workers for electronic products, but in the past 5 years there has not been any occupational accident.

Nguyen Quoc Toan, representative of Board of Directors of East West Industries Vietnam Company, shared: “The company regularly organizes training classes to ensure OSH for employees in accordance with regulations. Periodically, the company has a department to monitor, supervise and inspect OSH work. Our company established a safety and hygiene team. This team has about 50 people monitoring all OSH activities every day before and after work. In addition, the machine maintenance and warranty team always strictly comply with the weekly maintenance and warranty activities set out by the company."

Meanwhile, Nguyen Van Soan, Chairman of the Grassroots Trade Union of ASG ViNa Company (Thuan An City), said the company has about 900 employees of sewing backpacks and handbags. To ensure OSH requirements, the company has coordinated with the locality to establish a militia and self-defense platoon with a number of up to dozens of people. Every day, this force participates in regulating traffic in and out of businesses. In addition, each member participates in monitoring OSH for each line and production team; participate in controlling and patrolling fire and explosion prevention work at enterprises. Thereby, the company promptly detects and reminds employees when they do not comply with the regulations, contributing to limiting occupational accidents.

At Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park, in addition to enhancing propaganda on measures to ensure OSH, signing a memorandum of understanding on good implementation of OSH work at enterprises during Workers' Month, Vietnam Industrial Park Trade Union - Singapore also coordinates with departments, branches and localities to strengthen inspection of OSH activities at each enterprise, organize fire prevention and fighting drills, and raise employees and employers’ awareness of ensuring OSH...

In recent years, as enhancing propaganda, strengthening inspection work, and strictly implementing measures to ensure OSH by departments, branches and all levels, most businesses in the province strictly comply with OSH regulations.

Reported by Quang Tam - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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