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Province’s export turnover in first two months of year reaches over US$ 4.11billion

Update: 06-03-2017 | 15:54:11

The province’s export turnover in February 2017 was estimated at more than US$1.89billion, a year-on-year increase of 2016. Of these, the domestic investment sector reached US$337.3million, up 9.3% while the foreign investment sector gained more than US$1.55billion, up 10.2% compared to last year’s same period.

Thus, the province’s export turnover in the first two months of the year was more than US$4.11billion, up 10.2% against last year’s corresponding period. Of these, the domestic investment sector achieved US$772.6million while the foreign investment sector obtained nearly US$3.34billion.

The province’s import value in February was more than US$1.41billion, up 10.7% compared to last year’s same period. The value in the first two months of the year was estimated at more than US$2.99billion, up 9.7% compared to last year’s corresponding period.

Reported by H.A-Translated by K.T

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