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Province’s trade surplus reaches US$325mln in 2011’s first quarter

Update: 26-03-2011 | 00:00:00

The province’s export turnover reached more than US$1.95trillion in the first quarter of 2011, up 20.3% compared to last year’s same period. Of the total figure, the domestic investment sector accounted for 21.5%, up 14.4% over last year’s same period while the FDI sector accounted for 78.5%, up 22% against last year’s same period.

 During the time, the province’s key export products also gained high growth such as rubber latex up 79.2%, footwear up 7.8%, garment up 11.4%, electric wire and cable up 5.9%...Garment accounted for 17.7% of the province’s total export turnover while woodwork and footwear accounted for 25.9% of total.

 The province’s import value was also estimated at more than US$1.63mln, up 25.1% compared to last year’s same period. Imported products were still machines and equipment for construction, production materials…With the above export-import results, the province’s trade surplus in the first quarter of 2011 reached US$325mln.


Reported by Trong Minh-Translated by K.T

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