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Province synchronizes solutions, striving for the highest growth

Update: 28-08-2021 | 13:15:05

On the afternoon of August 26, provincial People's Committee held an open periodical meeting in August with focus on reviewing the local socio-economic development in the first 8 month of the year, implementing tasks, solutions to restore and develop socio-economic situation after the period of social distancing for Covid-19 prevention and control, which was chaired by Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee. Attending the meeting were leaders of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation, People's Council, Fatherland Front Committee, departments and sectors in the province.

Maintaining growth

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the province's socio-economic situation in August and is expected to further affect the local development goals of the whole year 2021. In August, the province saw decrease in some targets compared to July and the same period last year, but the results achieved in the first 8 months of the year still brought important contributions to the province with growth still maintained. Accordingly, in the first 8 months of the year, the province’s index of industrial production (IIP) increased by 4.3% over the same period. The province’s total retail sales revenue of commodities and services increased by 2.8%. The province’s export turnover grew by 37.3% while total budget revenue was estimated at surgeing 16%...

Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee speaks at the meeting

Facing the situation of the pandemic, the province and the business community have made great efforts in taking many solutions to avoid production disruption such as implementing the "3 on-site" and "1 road, 2 locations" production models while deploying vaccination againt Covid-19 for workers. Bui Minh Tri, Head of provincial Industrial Parks’Management Board said that over the past time, enterprises in province-based industrial parks have seriously implemented Covid-19 prevention and control. So far, these enterprises have continued registering to implement the "3 on-site" production model, ensuring the dual goals of Covid-19 prevention-control and production and business development. “Enterprises in the electronics industry are tending to recover quickly, wishing to return to normal operations with 100% of workers. In the coming time, the province will take advantage of all vaccine sources to inject workers, ensuring the labor supply for enterprises after the social distancing period," said Mr. Tri.

Overcoming difficulties together

Provincial People's Committee assessed that it is very difficult for the province to implement the local growth targets as planned in the last months of 2021 amid the complicated developments of the pandemic. However, provincial People's Committee has decied not to adjust the local socio-economic development plan for 2021, aiming to keep the highest determination to mobilize the total strength of the entire political system, people from all strata and the business community to carry out each target and field at the highest level.

In the coming time, the province will be deterimed to implement some key tasks, including steadfastly carrying out the "dual goals" of Covid-19 prevention and control and socio-economic development; further mobilizing all resources for Covid-19 prevention and control with the motto of "protecting the green zone, fighting the red zone, strictly implementing social distancing, taking care of social security as important, regular tasks, conductin testing as core, reducing mortality as top priority”. On the other hand, the province will effectively and practically organize the transportation and distribution of essential goods, continue opening more fixed and mobile sales points in quarters, hamlets and residential areas; stabilize the commodity and textbook market for the new school year; operate the State budget revenue and expenditure in 2021 in accordance to the estimate, mobilize and well tap legal revenues to temporarily compensate for revenue shortfalls, due to Covid-19 pandemic...

*Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee has requested sectors and localities to focus on synchronously implementing the set solutions to achieve the highest level of growth targets in 2021. Particularly, they need to proactively recheck and remove difficulties for production and business activities in a timely manner; further make statistics on the labor situation, solve labor problems in enterprises, have solutions to encourage employees; research and supplement policies within competence in line with the local real situation to support enterprises, workers and vulnerable people affected by the pandemic. The local customs and tax sectors have directed their units to continue removing difficulties and creating favorable conditions for enterprises in terms of customs procedures, taxes, commerce, electronic payments...

*Pham Van Bong, Director of provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development said that the pandemic has badly affected production and consumption of agricultural products in the province. The prices of most livestock products, especially poultry ones have decreased strongly. In the face of the situation, the sector has taken proactive solutions to direct the production, circulation and supply of agricultural products; set up a plan to ensure the supply of agricultural neccesities for Covid-19 prevention and control. The sector will continue coordinating with provincial Department of Industry-Trade and Department of Transport to support and create favorable conditions for enterprises and agricultural cooperatives to transport agricultural products more conveniently.

*Nguyen Truong Thi, Deputy Director of provincial Department of Industry and Trade (DoIT) said that province-based supermarkets have always ensured adequate supply of goods with stable prices. Provincial DoIT continues expanding essential sales points and increase mobile vehicles in order to ensure food supply to 15 “locked and frozen” wards for Covid-19 prevention and control. In the coming time, the sector will set up and implement a plan on "Green enterprises, green lodging facilities and green commercial - service systems" in order to organize pilot production for enterprises in industrial parks-compounds and traditional markets in the new context.

Reported by Thoai Phuong-Translated by K.T

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