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Provincial armed forces achieve, exceed key targets and tasks

Update: 21-06-2024 | 11:10:02

On the afternoon of June 20, provincial Military Command’s Party Committee held a military conference for the first half of the year, discussing directions and tasks for the last six months of 2024. The conference was attended by Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee and Colonel Tran Ngoc Minh, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Military Zone 7.

Colonel Tran Ngoc Minh, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Military Zone 7 presents the certificates of merit to outstanding collectives, individuals and families for their outstanding contributions to the selection and recruitment of citizens for military service in 2024

In the first six months of 2024, provincial armed forces achieved and exceeded many important targets and tasks. Notably, they achieved 100% of the recruitment target with improved quality and the percentage of official Party members reaching 1.87%. The combat readiness work was tightly maintained, with each sector and field playing its role effectively, handling situations efficiently and avoiding unexpected incidents, ensuring the safety of important local and national celebrations, festivals and political events.

In his directive speech at the conference, Mr. Minh spoke highly of outstanding results achieved by provincial armed forces in the first half of the year. He also suggested provincial Military Command’s Party Committee, along with agencies, units and localities, should focus on some key tasks in the coming period such as focusing on the selection and recruitment of recruits for 2025; preparing forces, means and technical equipment to ensure the safety of events; advising provincial People's Committee on directing effective district and commune-level defense drills in 2024…

On this occasion, the Military Zone 7 Command rewarded two collectives, two individuals and two exemplary families for their excellent achievements in the selection and recruitment of citizens for military service in 2024.

Reported by Thu Thao-Translated by Kim Tin

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