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Provincial Buddhist Sangha donates VND200 million to the poor in Dien Bien province

Update: 23-08-2023 | 11:19:10

On August 22, Executive Board of Provincial Buddhist Sangha donated VND 200 million to Provincial Fatherland Front Committee to support a program of building great solidarity houses for the poor in Dien Bien province launched by the Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front. The ceremony was attended by Nguyen Thi My Hang, Chairwoman of Binh Duong Provincial Fatherland Front. The above amount was contributed by Buddhists in the province, equivalent to construction costs of 4 great solidarity houses (each is worth 50 million VND).

At the ceremony to receive the support, Ms. Hang acknowledged the active support of Provincial Buddhist Sangha as well as Buddhists in the province for disadvantaged people of Dien Bien province; she expressed deep gratitude to Provincial Buddhist Sangha and fellow Buddhists who always accompany the Fatherland Front in social welfare work, especially charity work, and taking care of people having difficult circumstances.

Most Venerable Thich Hue Thong, Vice Chairman of Directors Board cum Head of Legal Department of the Central Buddhist Sangha, Head of Executive Board of Provincial Buddhist Sangha, shared that this is the heart and love of Buddhists in Binh Duong province to the poor in Dien Bien province, especially ethnic minorities. Most Venerable Thich Hue Thong said that Executive Board of Provincial Buddhist Sangha will continue to encourage Buddhists in the province to uphold the compassionate spirit, actively perform social charity work, and participate in emulation movements launched by all levels and branches, strengthening the building of great national unity in order to join hands for a prosperous and beautiful homeland.

Reported by H.Thuan - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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